MANAGEMENT LIBRARIES NETWORK ,New Delhi ANNOUNCES 13th Annual National Convention Being jointly organised with University of Delhi South Campus. New Delhi on Repositioning Libraries for User Empowerment: Policy, Planning & Technology October 13-15, 2011 Management Libraries Network (MANLIBNET) takes pleasure in inviting you to register, contribute papers and participate at the 13th Annual National Convention 2011 on Repositioning Libraries for User Empowerment: Policy, Planning & Technology. MANLIBNET 2011 is organized to bring together Library and information science professionals, academician and educationist in the field of Library and Information Science and Knowledge Industry to present papers, discuss, exchange views and experiences on various issues related to Repositioning Libraries for User Empowerment. CALL FOR PAPERS Original papers for the below mentioned areas of interest are invited. The areas mentioned below are only indicative and not exhaustive in coverage. The contributor can include any other topic falling under the broad gamut of the main theme of Convention. THEME Repositioning Libraries for User Empowerment: Policy, Planning & Technology SUB-THEMES Policy 1. Neo Information Environment & User Empowerment 2. Changes in emerging user characteristics, behaviors, and expectation 3. User Studies/ users expectations in the emerging environment/ 4. Diverse demographics of library users 5. Changing Information Seeking Behavior 6. Libraries as partners in the knowledge generation; 7. Information Literacy & Competency 8. Management Models and Framework, Library Services 9. Emerging management models for libraries; 10. Manpower structure in ICT environment 11. Role of Education and Training & Research Planning 1. Evolving ways and means for better relationship for working with faculty; 2. Community Information Services/Public Libraries 3. Collaboration and Networking Programmes 4. Reference Services/Virtual Reference Service/Just –in -Time Services 5. Collection management and technical services 6. Information Instructional Programmes 7. Knowledge Management 8. Marketing of Services and Products 9. Out Reach/Library Development Programmes/ 10. Empowering staff to meet the challenges, professional leadership and development, and new models of academic library governance; 11. Academic Communication/Soft Skills 12. Best practices on modern library services; Technology 1. Technological Innovations: library management and services 2. Role of Digital/ Emerging Technologies 3. Library Services and WEB.2.0 4. Enhancing Access: Role of Cataloguing and Metadata 5. Onsite/Off Site access 6. E-learning /Virtual Learning/ Resource-based learning, virtual and independent learning 7. Technology/Infrastructure/Policy Issues 8. Web Publishing/Library Portals 9. Management systems and standards; 10. Role of Social Media SUBMISSION OF PAPERS Papers on the theme and subthemes enumerated above or any other issue related with the broad theme of the convention based on research or practical experience in the field may be submitted for presentation at the convention. Case studies will also be accepted. The length of the paper should not exceed 3000 words. Title page of the paper should contain title of the paper, authors' name, designation and official address of the author (including telephone number and E-mail address); and an abstract of the paper in about 150 words. All papers will go through a process of review by a panel of experts and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Only accepted papers will be allowed to be presented. Papers may also be accepted for poster presentation. Only abstracts of poster presentations will be included in the proceedings. Papers should be sent to the Conference Secretariat at manlibnet.secretariat@gmail.com. IMPORTANT FOR AUTHORS Please note that the registered participants under paper presentation category only shall be allowed to present the paper and such papers will be included in the conference volume to be published and released during the convention. A copy of the publication will be provided to all the registered participants. Important Dates Submission of full papers August 15, 2011 Notification to authors August 25, 2011 Camera ready paper and Registration August 25, 2011 Conference dates October 13-15, 2011 REGISTRATION/DELEGATION FEE: Participation Fees for MANLIBNET Members Non-Residential Rs. 2500/- Participation Fees for Non-Members Non-Residential Rs. 3200/- Students Non-Residential Rs. 1500/- Completed Registration Form(s) with all necessary details should be sent to the Organising Secretary along with requisite fee through a Demand Draft/Local Cheque in favour of Management Libraries Network, payable at Delhi on or before September 25, 2011 at the following address: Dr. Tariq Ashraf Organizing Secretary 13th MANLIBNET Annual Convention & Librarian University of Delhi South Campus Benito Juarez Road, New Delhi-110021 Ph: 24110221, Mob: 9868335593 E-mail: manlibnet.secretariat@gmail.com Jitender Sharma Librarian & Marketing Manager - JMC NIILM Centre for Management Studies Plot No. 53, Knowledge Park - V Greater Noida - 201310 Tel: 011-2397006, 09899695953 (Mob) E-mail: jsharma@niilm.com, jitendersharmaji@gmail.com, jitendersharmaji@yahoo.com -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.