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Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 19:04:41 +0530
From: Munesh nibm
To: lis-forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in
Subject: Re: LIS-Forum Digest, Vol 123, Issue 26
Hi...prof. friends
In continuation of discussion- "oss and commercial s/w" raised by V K
Mishra Sir and replied by Ashok Sir on same,...I would like to add few
points here...
"Be owner of your data always, like your ownership of physical collection".
If you have your upadated data of your library activities, with you then
you can easily migrate to your desired solutions... It is 100% possible in
case of oss but, difficult in case of commercial solutions. So be cautious
while adopting commercial software regarding data policy. Never depends on
software firms.
Open Source S/W is better than commercial as we all know. Even, AICTE also
has mentioned in its Handbook to go for open source software in your
Be owner of your library in real and as well as in virtual.
With thanks, your friend
Munesh Kumar
mun_esh@hotmail.com ( P)
asst.librarian@nitgoa.ac.in (o)