Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 10:35:46 +0530
From: Shalini .R .Urs
Travel Grants for attending ETD 2004 and JCDL 2004
Availability of Travel Grants for the ETD 2004, June 3-5,2004, Lexington,
KY, USA and JCDL 2004, June 7-11,2004, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
Here is a wonderful opportunity for young information professionals who
have passion, commitment and a track-record of academic, research and
practical achievements in digital library project initiatives, to attend
two major conferences in USA concerning digital library initiatives
Applications are invited from interested and eligible professionals for
the above Grants.
Travel Grants to support the participation of 5-6 delegates from India to
attend the above two conferences are re available.
ETD 2004 -the Seventh International Conference on Electronic Theses and
Dissertations is organized by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and
Dissertations (NDLTD) from June 3-5,2004 on the campus of the University
of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA. The theme of this year's conference is -
'Distributing knowledge world wide through better scholarly
communication'. For more information, please visit the conference website
JCDL 2004- the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries sponsored by the
Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers Computer Society and others is being held at
Tucson, Arizona, USA from June 7-11, 2004. The theme of this year's JCDL
is- Global Reach and Diverse Impact.
Given the fact that these two conferences are scheduled back to back, it
was possible to source funds from an international funding agency to
support the travel and participation of 5-6 of delegates from India for
both these conferences. The grant will cover the travel, accommodation,
and registration of the selected participants.
Recognizing the lack of opportunities for Indian Library and Information
professionals to attend international conferences and workshop, this
funding opportunity has been identified with the objective of encouraging
committed and capable LIS professionals to participate and contribute
effectively to the emerging global digital library movement. The main goal
is to help build capacities in LIS profession. This would provide an
opportunity for the selected candidates to meet, interact, learn, and
network with the international DL community.
Guiding Principles
1.. These awards are open to all Indian nationals who have contributed to the
development of Digital Libraries / ETD efforts
2.. Preference will be given to young professionals, who have demonstrated
their capabilities and commitment and shown promise.
3.. The selection of the candidates will be competitive and done by an Expert
Committee constituted for this purpose
4.. The selection process involves the submission of applications in the pres
cribed format - the applications may be downloaded from
5.. The selection will be based on the following criteria-
1.. Contribution towards the development of Digital Libraries and ETDs in
the last 5 years through specific programmes/efforts initiated
2.. Quality Publications in the area
3.. Your future visions and plans for taking your institution to the global
DL mainstream. .
4.. Submitted papers / accepted for JCDL 2004/ETD 2004
Those interested may contact the undersigned for further details.
Dr.Shalini R.Urs
Professor and Chairperson
Department of library and Information Science
University of Mysore
Project Director
Vidyanidhi-Indian Digital Library of Electronic Theses
Manasagangotri, Mysore.570006. India
Ph:91-821-2514699 Fax:91-821-2519209