 You are right and free to do so.
Students performance and matching the requirements are based on  several factors. The two major components are students and teachers.
Teachers, you know need to update themeselves and be committed. you can only advise or suggest to this group and it is oneself who will lhave to lead in his/her career.
 AS far as students are concerned, the input into the schools are very disappointing. Both quantitatively and qualitatively, they are so low, it is extremely difficult to mould them to be even a 'better lot' if not the 'best'. Candidates below the medocre line enter our profession, unfortunately. They have no vision or mission. We try to inculcate that in them to the best of our ability. In 2 two years is everythiing cannot be accomplished though best of our efforts are put into that process.
Our curricula has been changed, by and large in most of the LIS Schools across the coun try, particularly in the South. Infrastrcucture has been improvised. What else you need?????
Profssional bodies  at all levels are initiating lectures, workshops, discussions etc for betterment of the professionals. Not many respond or even iof they do so, not intersted or ready to learn and or change, It has become a very challenging task for all of us. People have to change themselves, I feel. Ther seems to no competency, competition or communcation skills amongst the professionals, which is very disappointing.
Yes, We speak and talk and talk, but what is the net result?. Who is to be blamed?? Ofc ourse,  Not any one single individual or group. All of us need to team up together to create awareness and  upgrade the literacy   level.
I am willing to take up any task at any time to be involved in  this attempt. I Look forward for some concrete suggestions and movements to participate myself.

Subbiah Arunachalam <> wrote:
Professor Amudhavalli of the University of Madras found the presentation by Liz Lyon of UKOLN
very useful. A few others may say the same thing. But what matters is are we preparing our students for the new era? Will the LIS students of today be able to excel in the fast changing technology-dominated environment? Will they be able to find their niche when constantly improving technology and the culture of networking and virtual collaboration among scientists may make intermediaries redundant? Are we training them to become life-long learners who can adapt to any situation? Or are we still in an age when it takes years to get even a minoe change in the syllabus?
It seems to me that we need to go a long way. Correct me if my perception is wrong.
[Subbiah Arunachalam]

----- Original Message ----
From: amudhavalli alagusundaram <>
To: Subbiah Arunachalam <>
Sent: Monday, 19 November, 2007 3:12:34 PM
Subject: Re: [LIS-Forum] Open science

Very Useful Link, Sir. Thanks

Subbiah Arunachalam <> wrote:

I am sure you are following the writings of Liz Lyon of UK LON. I just stumbled upon this presentation:

"Open Science and the Research Library: Roles, Challenges and Opportunities?"

Best wishes.


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