Dear Professional Friends, We are pleased to invite you to attend the talk on “Digital Learning”, which will be jointly organized by JRD Tata Memorial Library, IISc and Karnataka State Library Association (KALA) on the celebration of “National Library Week”. Speaker: Prof. L. Umanand, Coordinator NPTEL, IISc Department of Electronic Systems Engineering Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Title: Digital Learning Date : 20th November 2018 Time: 5:30 pm Venue: Lecture Hall, JRD Tata Memorial Library, IISc Bangalore There will be High Tea at 5:00 pm This talk will surely be helpful for all LIS professionals, thus do participate and gain maximum benefit out of it. with regards, Suresh Balutagi PhD. Deputy Librarian JRD Tata Memorial Library Indian Institute of Science Bangalore - 560 012 URL: http://library.iisc.ac.in/ -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.