Dear All, As conference Rapporteur General, I am attaching herewith the Report and Recommendations of the National Conference of Indian Academic Libraries - 2020 :A Vision held from August 12-14, 2010 at SIT, Tumkur. This for information and knowledge of all professional fraternity. Yours Prof. A.Y.Asundi National Conference on Indian Academic Libraries- 2020 Computation is powered by knowledge; Knowledge is powered by technology and innovation (NACIAL – 2020) TUMKUR, Karnataka August, 12-14, 2010 Director Rapporteur General Dr. Ravi B. Gaddagimath Prof. A.Y. Asundi Rapporteur : Shri H.P. Shekar, Venue: Birla Auditorium, SIT Campus, Tumkur-572 103, Karnataka Conference Report and Recommendations Preamble: The libraries for centuries have created a niche for their yeomen existence since the emergence of civilized society and have been under constant transformationthroughout the social and cultural dynamism. The clay tablet library at Ninevh of King Ashurbanipal of 9B.C. is the earliest evidence of a physical book and many on the way were those identified in succession are the papyrus rolls, palm leaf manuscripts to the present printed book. The turning point in this course of developments is the invention of movable type printing by Johaan Gutenberg in mid-15th Century which advanced to the modern printed book and to occupy and build the content of the libraries. This metamorphosis in physical shape and format of the book did not bring a change of the nomenclature“library” The role of librariansand of the Libraries has also been contemporarily changing with these developments, however it required them to acquire new knowledge and skills to handle the neo and contemporary media. The role of libraries is to provide access to these information resources using the tools like the classification and card catalogue, and the physical catalogue with the integration of technology saw the advent of OPAC, but the object and function of the library catalogue has ever remained same in principle as was stated by Charles Ammi Cutter; to search by Author, Title, and/or Subject. The technology has its own convergence phenomena and have created new environment of Digital Library and the term “Library” still remains in its association. I. Conference Report: a) Inaugural Session: The inaugural session began with invocation rendered by Ms. Archana S.N. Bhat of Sree Siddaganga College of Arts, Science and Commerce for Women, Tumkur, Dr. T. S. Sacchidanada Murthy, the Principal, Sree Siddaganga College of Arts, Science and Commerce for Women, Tumkur welcomed the guests, dignitaries and the delegates of the Conference. b) Keynote Address: The Keynote Address was delivered by Dr. C.R.Karisiddappa, Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Library and Information Science, Karnatak University, Dharwad. In his address he recalled the contributions of Dr. S.R.Ranganathan whose 119th Birthday is being celebrated as a Librarians Day throughout the Country. He said Dr.Ranganatha has contributed enormously to every field of LIS. The two reports under his chairmanship support the cause of the Academic Libraries in terms of education for librarianship, work, status and salary conditions. He was the first to device a staff formula for the academic libraries. Dr. Karisiddappa also recollected Dr. Ranganathan’s most important and noteworthy contributions to Karnataka State, the Karnataka Public Library Act - 1965 and the establishment of a specialized LIS education centre, the DRTC. He once again bemoaned on the burning issues of Librarians which still remain to be resolved in full. The education commission reports headed by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan and Dr. D.S.Kothari have made good recommendations for the academic libraries but they lack implementation. He said, the National Knowledge Commission has also recognized importance of the Libraries as part of the knowledge society. He appreciated the efforts of Directorate of Collegiate Education in Karnataka in providing training to academic librarians including PU College Librarians with the able support from Dr. Gaddagimath in the first instance and now from Sri Kadadevaramath. He appealed to H.E. Governor to create an administrative mechanism to assess and evaluate the funds and infrastructure facilities provided to the Colleges by the UGC. The conference was inaugurated with lighting the sacred lamp and then the conference proceedings volume was released by H.E. Sri Hansraj Bharadwaj, the Governor of Karnataka. c) Best Librarian award. Two College Librarians Sri Chickmath of Government First Grade College, Yadgir and Dr. F.G. Patil of GFC, Chickmagaluru were given the best Librarians awards. d) Presidential Address: Sri T.K.Nanjundappa, Hon. Secretary of Sree Siddaganga Education Society, Tumkur delivered the Presidential address. In his speech he said today is another red letter day in the annals of SSES, as we are beholden with your present here, he said about the visit of H.E. Governor. Library plays a pivotal place in the education. Confined to four wall are now becoming libraries without walls. The concept of global village has opened new avenues for the libraries he said. e) Inaugural Address by H. E. Governor: H.E. Governor had earlier in the day had participated in the Rally of Librarians organized at Bangalore and he opened his speech with the appreciation of this effort by the Library community, where the presence of two VCs of Karnataka made him highly delighted. This is one of the commendable Role of the Librarians he said. H.E. Governor describing India’s great civilization and culture also associated with the confluence of Libraries. It has helped to sustain the basic values of our society. The saints and siddas of our country have given us the tradition which we are preserving for the last 5000 years. He remarked, Knowledge can be given by those who possess it. So it is essential that Teachers, Students and librarians to possess adequate knowledge to fulfill the deeds of the community. Recalling progress made by USA he queried, what is the cause for US to progress in such a short time ? His answer was the academic contribution made by the US Universities like, Harvard, MIT, Boston. In the Library of Harvard you can ask for a book or an article and you will be facilitated with its availability from any part of the globe and thus the teachers and students get what they want. We could not maintain our libraries in such a manner he said. We have not been able to maintain and preserver our knowledge stored in shruti’s .Only Veda Vyas during ancient times was responsible for the highlighting the importance of Vedas and Upanishads and that knowledge was transmitted by the then Gurukula and it is highly commendable that this work is now being carried out by Siddaganga Gurukula . The number of Gurukulas which existed are now vanishing. In this context he applauded the work of Sri Siddaganga Math. We have every thing, but need good libraries. I am a product of libraries. I got my knowledge from the Library. Many students who wish to spend good scholarly work time has to spend lot of time in the Library so said the Governor. Again talking about foreign libraries, he said, Berkeley and Los Angeles are best universities because of the good work done by the libraries. US have top class research in every thing and technology in modern system of education is bringing excellent results. He recalled many instances which have helped him in his legal profession on the use of INTERNET and WEB including use by his private secretary. India is a great country and we are capable of achieving desirable results of progress and create new knowledge as it is in the genes of Indians. The NKC recommendations have to be implemented. He also bemoaned the lack of funds given to the Universities in India, and he said how we are going to come without funds. Karnataka is great power of knowledge. We are not doing work in right direction to achieve the status of a super power in knowledge, with best and expert knowledge. He also mentioned in his speech as we have to depend on private sector to support and building libraries and he also mentioned instance of the NLSIU library which has come with the contribution made by Smt. Sudhamurthy. Ultimately he said if we were to achieve the status of good nation, without the incident of joblessness who are liability to the society. The HRD is good in India in quantity but the quality is poor. At the end H.E. the Governor said, my only attraction is Sri Sri Sri Dr. Swamiji. That is the strength of such people. We are not materialistic as we have a reasonable amount with us and that is enough for our survival and better social life. II. Technical Sessions: Totally 77 papers and 12 Case Studies were received under 5 themes. The number of papers under each theme are as under; Nomenclature– 4 (3) Transformation18(11) Role of Libraries/Librarians-16 (12), Convergence with IT and KM– 19 (8) and Education- 8 ( 5 ). The detailed Programme of Technical Sessions is provided at the end. III. Recommendations i) Transformation 1. It is observed, there is a gradual and steady transformation in libraries as regards, to their content, processing, services and application of fringe subjects, such as management science, statistics and computer science and so on. The manuscripts are now replaced with print, then microforms and now electronic and digital content which has also been the sue motto documents of libraries now. This has brought parallel changes from physical library to virtual library, and the conference has identified that there is also need for building necessary infrastructure to suit these changes, in order to provide physical and other facilities to be provided to the user. It is therefore recommended that the authorities that to be in the organization and management of libraries in Academic institutions particularly in Colleges should also have some mechanism to manage these changes which are becoming regular and persistent. 2. The higher educational scenario is also on constant change, in terms of courses offered, the curriculum, the duration, the pattern, i.e. from annual to semester system and so on. The libraries have also to conform to these changes and they have to bring the necessary modifications in their collection, organization and the services to be provided to their users. The conference looking at the metamorphic transformation recommends that the libraries in consonant with the management and that with regulatory authorities to have a proper plan of action to meet these situations adequately and appropriately. 3. The LIS in work and education has experienced influence of sever fringe/cognate subjects and have been integrated harmoniously. It implies that the knowledge and skills from psychology, learning styles, mass media and management science, to name a few have been of immense applications in LIS work. Hence it is recommended that the Academic librarians should be given training in these cognate areas to improve the soft and communication skills that are so essential in the present context. It will help to suitably apply them in their practice for system development and as well to improve the services to the clientele. ii) Nomenclature of Libraries 4. It is observed that there is a constant desire for the change in the nomenclature of libraries, such as Knowledge Centre, Knowledge Resources Centre, and Learning Resources Centre and so on. There is also intense call to designate librarian as knowledge manager, Cybrarian and so on. It is observed in this context that any change needs some socialization and would pass through an interim period for its acceptance by the society/community as a whole, and profession in particular. The conference is of the opinion that these changes would automatically get infused at a time when they receive a desirably good acceptance level. 5. It is also observed that partial changes in the nomenclature of library organization, names of courses offered with new name and designations have always been responsible for bringing some kind of administrative anomalies and it takes long period to accept such changes by the concerned. The changes would be gradual and they should be brought in steadily. Hence the conference is of the view that change of nomenclature will be brought in when the whole professional scenario resolve to accept this change and such issues have to be taken at the national and international levels. It therefore recommends to wait until such time, when the new nomenclature receives the social and professional approval and the changes would then become obvious and automatic. 6. In concurrence with demands of the profession, as positive move to the nomenclature change in case library organization, designation and so on, it is recommended that the conference would make a representation to the regulatory authorities to bring to their knowledge the desire of the profession to give a better visibility, status and to enhance its profile in the light of the constantly altering profile of the profession. iii) Role of Librarians 7. In consonant with demand for change in the nomenclature of Library there is also desire to change designation of librarian to Knowledge Manager, Media Specialist and so on. The Role of librarians is on the move since the advent of information society in the late 1980s and has received the intense visibility in late 20th Century. However the basic tenets of Librarianship have remained unaltered, though the modes of operations and processing changed with application of electronic gadgetry with contemporary technological developments. Hence the conference is of the view that, it is desirable to place them on right footing in observance with administrative procedures and policies. 8. In consideration of this perpetual changes in the role and functions of the librarians with the integration of IT, the conference again recommends to representthis to theappropriate authorities and would also find a suitable platform to its fruitful implementation. 9. A new phenomenon of Information commons to provide service visibility to academic libraries is emerging. The academic libraries in general and college libraries in particular, the conference recommends, may work out ways and means of implementing this new and emerging phenomenon in the libraries and more so in Academic Libraries. iv) Convergence with IT and KM 10. The IT convergence is a challenge to libraries as it demands parallel changes in the processes and require new investment and training mechanism to handle the new technologies. So the conference recommends assessing and evaluating such changes as to their cost-effectives in implementation and adopting them within a suitable time frame. 11. The convergence effects in IT are likely to bring changes in the modes of operation and processing from Client-server mode to Data Centre Concept and Cloud computing would also make inroads in computing modes adopted in the LIS. Hence, the conference recommends that a proper plan of action for migration from one mode another has to be prepared in consultation with reputed IT consultancy agencies and enterprises. 12. The concept of KM which was an exclusive area of study in enterprise systems is gradually diffusing in the domain of LIS. There would be need for acquisition of newer knowledge and skills of IT to handle such renewed situations and conditions hence the conference is of the view that, study of knowledge management be made optional in LIS education. This recommendation is interwoven with the theme of Education for librarianship too. v) Education 13. The information processing tools like classification and cataloguing need to be handled on scientific basis in the LIS Courses. The application of multi-sectoral courses have to be introduced in LIS education. Hence it is necessary that LIS education should introduce choice based credit courses in LIS Schools. vi) Panel Discussion The technical sessions were followed by Panel Discussion. The Agenda for the Discussion was :”Academic Libraries 2010”. The Panelists were, Dr. H.S.Siddamallaiah, Dr. M.M.Kognurmath, Sri H.B.Madivalar and Ms. J.Nirupa. Sri V.L.Kalyan moderated the panel Discussion. The outcome of the panel resulted in as recommended below. 14. The technological impact on LIS work is very fast and it is needless to say that the Library professionals have difficulty in updating their knowledge, hence there is need for perpetuating updating knowledge and skills of LIS professional through, formal and informal means, such as workshop and refresher courses, obviously the educational programmes have to constantly modify their course content in consonant with working librarians involvement and then it is possible to meet the users changing needs and perceptions for information and its access. National Conference on INDIAN ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 2020 (NACIAL 2020), Tumkur, Karnataka August 12-14, 2010 PROGRAM SCHEDULE Venue: Birla Auditorium SIT Campus, Tumkur-572 103, Karnataka Day 1 12th August 2010 08-30 am Registration 10-30 am Inaugural Session 12.00 noon Hi-Tea Technical Session - I Theme: NOMENCLATURE OF LIBRARIES 12.30 pm Chairperson: Sri V.L.Kalyan Rapporteur: Smt. D.N Sujatha Dr.Ramaraj Urs Nomenclature of Libraries: Theme Paper B-01 Balakrishna K Academic Library: An Integrated Learning Resource Centre B-02 Krishnamurthy Hegde Management of Knowledge: System for Academic Library and Information Centre B-03 B. Ravi , Vijay J. Deshabag & M. S. Patil Information and Communication Technology in Libraries and Information Centre’s: A New Dimension in Librarianship B-04 1.45 pm L U N C H Technical Session - II Theme: TRANSFORMATION OF LIBRARIES 2.30 pm Chairperson: Dr S.T Sudha Rapporteur: Dr B.R Gadagin Dr. Ramesh R.Naik Transformation of Libraries-Theme Paper A-1 Ganapathi Bhat K Changing Role of Academic Librarians A-2 Shekar.H.P & Prafulla Kumari Academic Libraries: A Challenge in Electronic Era A-3 Kulwinder Kaur & Jaswant Singh Leadership Qualities from Libraries to Digital Libraries A-4 KuljeetG.Kahlon&D.A. Sanadi Academic Library System A-5 S.N. Kumar , M. Gopalaswamy & H. P.Shekar Paradigmatic Shift in the Pattern of Academic Library Services to its End-User: An Overview A-6 Mallikarjun N. Mulimani Academic Library in Information Technology Era A-7 S. Humayoon Kabir Mass Media Materials in Libraries A-8 T E A B R E A K 3.45 pm 4.00 pm Technical Session - II (Continues...) Shekara. H.P & Basavaraja. K Managing Library Through Resource Sharing: A-9 A New approach of Consortium S. A Navalur & Keshava Role of Library in Rural Development A-10 Nirupa.J Relevance of User Education Programme in College Libraries A-11 M. Krishnamurthy Scholarly Communications for Librarians: Current Trends and Practices A-12 Khaisar Muneebulla Khan & Pradeep Hegde Platform for Scholarly Communication: Institutional Repositories A-13 T.Y.Mallaiah & Khaisar Muneebulla Khan Open Access to Digital Information Resources: An Observation A-14 Meghana Sanjeeva Global Changes in the Scholarly Communication Process and the Academic Library of the Future A-15 N.N. Arabagonda, M.C.Patil, K.Gopal.Reddy & Geeta.N.Kotennavar Academic Libraries, Gate ways to Knowledge in 2020 A-16 Shivaraj B. Halyal Change Management in Internet Era A-17 Koradur, Y.B & Malwad, B S Visual Aids Kannikaparameshwari G Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 – A Study A-18 5.00 pm COMMERCIAL PRESENTATIONS 7.00 PM CULTURAL PROGRAM 8.00 pm DINNER Day 2 13th August 2010 Technical Session - III Theme: ROLE OF LIBRARIANS 9.30 am Chairperson: Sri M N N Prasad Rapporteur: Sri M.N. Mulimani Dr. Suresh Jange Role of Librarians -Theme Paper C-01 Khaisar Muneebulla Khan & Pooja. R Role of Librarians in the Present Library System C-02 Lokanatha Poojary B & Mallaiah T.Y Role of Librarians as Knowledge Managers in Digital Era C-03 Shobha U.Karekar & Mahesh V.Mudhol Librarians as Knowledge Managers C-04 H B Madivalar Role of Librarian as ‘Knowledge Manager’ C-05 F.G.Patil, Prasann Kumar H E & Mahesh V Mudhol The Role of Librarian’s Profession in Academic Library Environment C-06 Paul Menezes Management Skills for Librarians in the Globalised Era C-07 Mahesh D.Horakeri & Mrutyunjaya B Kotur Changing Role of Librarians in Digital Library Era and need of Professional skills, Efficiency & Competency C-08 T E A B R E A K 11.30 am 11.45 am Technical Session - III (Continues...) Falguni Pal & Suvra Chandra The role of librarian in the dynamic perspective C-09 Girija.S.R. Role of Academic librarians in knowledge management practices C-10 Seema Lalotra Changing Information Needs due to Technological Change: Librarian’s Role & Competencies C-11 Shashidhara A. K & Hemesha H. N Role of Library and Information Professionals in the Changing Knowledge Environment C-12 Nirmala Chigateri Evolving Role of the Librarian in Virtual Library C-13 Khaisar Munnebulla Khan & Ravichandra Naika The Multifaceted Role of the Academic Librarian in IT world C-14 Rajatha & .M. K. Bhandi Librarians as Technology Solution Providers C-15 Umadevi.H.S. Role of Librarian as a knowledge manager C-16 1.15 pm L U N C H Technical Session - IV Theme: CONVERGENCE WITH IT AND KM 2.00 pm Chairperson: Sri Mahesh Horakeri Rapporteur:Dr. N. N. Arabgond Dr.A.Y.Asundi Technology convergence & concordant changes in LIS -Theme Paper D-01 S.B.Patil , Ansuya. Angadi & D.N. Sujatha The Next Generation of U-Learning 2020 D-02 Raghavendra R & Shekar.H.P Biometrics Technology in Library Housekeeping D-03 K.M. Khan & T.Y. Mallaiah Digital Library Collection and its Preservation: An Over View D-04 Kanchan Kamila Application of Different Internet Based Tools and Technologies in Libraries for Better Education and Research D-05 Kanchan Kamila Application of RFID Technology in Libraries D-06 Shankar , Bhaskar Reddy M & Mahesh V.Mudhol E-Vidya - The Brain of Library & Information Technology D-07 Tarun Kumar, Nilesh .A. Shewale & Babar Raees Digital Content Management: A Comparative Study of Greenstone Digital Library Software and Dspace Digital Library Software D-08 T E A B R E A K 3.30 pm 3.45 pm Technical Session - IV (Continues...) Ravi N. Bellary Podcasting: A new resource for library users D-09 Gururaj Murthugudde & Channankegowda Applications of mobile in Library Services D-10 Shiva Kanaujia Sukula , M. Krishnamurthy , Pankaj Shukla & Divya Chaudhary E-Resources and Collection Development in the Perspectives of Open Access D-11 Khaisar Muneebulla Khan & Ravichandra Naika Institutional Repositories: Boon for Higher Education D-12 A.Y. Asundi Information Commons: A new emerging phenomenon to enhance service visibility of Academic Libraries. D-13 Ramesh R.Naik Content Management System for building a new delivery framework in Academic Libraries D-14 Nagaraja Naik M , Ravish P.Y & Anjaneya Naik The Emergence of Mobile Devices Influencing Learning from the Viewpoint of Convergences in it Environment D-15 Hemesha H. N & Shashidhara A. K Internet Filtering: A way to restrict access of undesirable D-16 content on the web Chandrashekhar.D & Venkatesh. A Effective Use of Digital Resources among Health Science Librarians - A Study D-17 Ramachandraiah Webblogs D-18 5.00 pm COMMERCIAL PRESENTATIONS 7.00 PM CULTURAL PROGRAM 8.00 pm DINNER Day 3 14th August 2010 Technical Session - V Theme: EDUCATION 9.30 am Chairperson: Sri. C. V Onkari Rapporteur: Dr. M. Gopalswamy Dr.H.S. Siddamallaiah LIS Education - Theme Paper E-01 H B Madivalar Technology Oriented Education in Changing Environment E-02 Sankappa Rai B , Mahesh V. Mudhol and S.G. Patil E-learning: A support tool for Education and Teaching in digital environment E-03 Thimmappa N & R Rama Raj Urs Changing Dimensions of Medical Librarianship E-04 Mamatha P. Kumar & Gopakumar V Information literacy for health professionals in digital information age E-05 Shashikala. K , Vishala B.K , Kamalakantha Shenoy Health Science Education and Medical Librarianship in 2020 E-06 Sheuli Sengupta Consortium of Indian Medical Libraries: HELINET Experience E-07 Anil Kumar Sharma , Pardeep Kumar & Rakesh Mohindra To Be Literate is To possess The Cow of Plenty E-08 B.U.Kannappanavar & Ravi.K.B Information communication technology (ICT) and Special Libraries E-09 T E A B R E A K 11.30 am Technical Session - VI Theme: CASE STUDIES 11.45 am Chairperson: Dr Ganapathi Shinde Rapporteur: Sri Ravi Venkat Bindu. K Use and Availability of Electronic sources and services in the libraries of Karnataka Veterinary Animal and Fisheries Science University F-01 Hemantha Kumar G.H ., Srinivas V ., Yethi raju B.N & Vijaya Kumar S Evaluation of RGUHS HELINET Consortium: a useful tool for Resource Sharing in M.S. Ramaiah Medical College, Bengaluru F-02 Jayaprakash,M M Bachalapur , & B U Kannappanavar Content Analysis of Engineering College Library Websites: A study F-03 Jayamma,K.V. & Shivanand, G.S. Routines of information resource centre:A special reference to government science college library Bangalore. Manjunatha H & Ramesh Gandhi R Digitization of Libraries: Users Appraisal F-05 Moorttimatee Samantaray Developing Digital Textbook Archive at the NCERT Library: A Gateway to Knowledge Management F-06 S. Padmamma , Girish Rathod M.S & Jyothi Guru Role of Textile Research Associations (TRA) in Textile Research in India: A perspective study F-07 Parag Kamal Sharma&Thrilok Joshi Knowledge Management and challenges for Library and IT professionals: A case study of IEG Library F-08 Poornima.G.Rao An Evaluation of Employee Empowerment programmes: A study with reference to S.D.M Dental & S.D.M Medical Colleges, Dharwad, Karnataka F-09 Sudha, S T & H.R.Sujatha Reading Practices -Librarians Perspective: A Study F-10 Sujatha H R & S T Sudha Internet and its Use in the Colleges of Mangalore City: An Analysis F-11 Vijaykumar N. Mulimani & Prashant R.Hiremath Information Needs and Sources of Faculty Members in Engineering and Technological Institutes, Affiliated to Solapur University, Maharashtra F-12 1.45 L U N C H Panel Discussion Theme: Indian Academic Libraries – 2020 – A vision Moderator: Sri V.L.Kalyan Panelists Dr. M.M.Kognurmath, Dr. H.S.Siddamallaiah, Sri H.B.Madivalar and Ms. J. Nirupa VALEDICTORY PROGRAMME 3.00 pm Address by Prof V.G. Talwar, Vice Chancellor, University of Mysore Organizing Secretary S.L.Kadadevarmath SG Librarian, Sree Siddaganga College for Women,Tumkur Cell: 9449070311 Director of Conference Dr. Ravi B. Gaddagimath University Librarian, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga Cell: 9844226604 Rapporteur General Prof. A.Y. Asundi (Retd) Bengalore University, Bengaluru Cell: 9980815468 Rapporteur Mr. H.P. Shekar, Librarian InternationalBusiness School, Bengaluru, Cell: 9945799927 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.