Hello everyone A researcher is in need of conference papers of the following conference that took place early this month in Bangalore. Any library (particularly in or nearby Bangalore) that has the conference papers in its collection may kindly let me know. "National Annual Conference on Environmental Education, held from 6 to 8 July 2006 at Bangalore." APS Sethi BBSB Engg. College, Fatehgarh Sahib (Punjab) Hello everyone A researcher is in need of conference papers of the following conference that took place early this month in Bangalore. Any library (particularly in or nearby Bangalore) that has the conference papers in its collection may kindly let me know. "National Annual Conference on Environmental Education, held from 6 to 8 July 2006 at Bangalore." APS Sethi BBSB Engg. College, Fatehgarh Sahib (Punjab) http://adworks.rediff.com/cgi-bin/AdWorks/sigclick.cgi/www.rediff.com/signat... http://adworks.rediff.com/cgi-bin/AdWorks/sigimpress.cgi/www.rediff.com/signature-home.htm/1963059423@Middle5?OAS_query=null&PARTNER=3