Blogs have taken the world by storm. Blogs and RSS (Real Simple Syndication/Rich Site Summary) feeds and their applications in libraries are increasing exponentially. These applications range from current awareness type of settings in keeping up-to-date with new information, table of contents alerts of journal articles, feeds based on a research query in electronic databases, and news alerts from different subject areas. To introduce the students to the world of blogs, the Department of Library and Information Science (DLIS), University of Mysore, Mysore has organised a unique competition called �Express Yourself Online�. The modus operandi of the competition is as follows: � Students have to create their own blogs in Google blogger. � They have post their thoughts for a fortnight period starting from November 1, 2005. They can write on any topic of their choice. � Students can post as many entries as they wish during this period. � Two judges will be visiting these blogs frequently and provide suitable tips to individual bloggers. � Two best student bloggers will receive prizes. The links for the student blogs are available at http://nsharinarayana.blogspot.com . The judges of the competition have also created their blogs for this purpose and they are available at http://1ofthejudge.blogspot.com and http://2ndjudge.blogspot.com . LIS-FORUM members may visit these blogs and give comments. The two objectives of this competition are to induce some element of online culture in the students and to provide opportunity to express their thoughts freely. We feel that writing skills of students may be improved to some extent through this competition. The blogging competition is one of the events organized by Mysore University Library and Information Science Students Association (MULISSA). -- N.S.Harinarayana Ph.D Department of Library and Information Science University of Mysore Manasagangotri, Mysore 570 006 Ph: 2419393