Date: 16 Jun 2008 11:16:17 -0000
From: Nadeem Akhtar khan
Department of Library and Information Science, The University of
Kashmir(J&K) is organizing a seminar on �Open Access Movement:
Initiatives, Promotion and Impact� from 15-17 October, 2008. The scholars,
teachers and professionals and other stakeholders can submit their
original research papers covering conceptual innovations, case studies,
evaluations etc the following e-mail addresses:
1. OR 2.
The full paper with references and citations preferably following APA
Style ( ) should be submitted latest by 15
august,2008. The scholars will be informed about the acceptance of their
papers in the first week of September, 2008. The other details about the
seminar etc will be available in due course of time.
FOR More details:
Professor S.M.Shafi
Head of the Department
Department of Library and Information Science
The University of Kashmir
Broad facets of the theme :
(NOTE: The list is not exhaustive and scholars can choose other relevant
topics as well). Scholarly Communication and New publishing Models
� Evolution
� Access Problems
� Crisis
� Electronic Publishing; advantages and drawbacks
� Electronic Journals
� Hybrid � paper electronic journals (the p-e)
� Author self posting
� Subject and institutional repositories
Open Access Movement and Initiatives
� General concept, barriers and trends
� Milestones
� Critics
� Political History
� OA Initiatives, survey and problems
� International Arena
� OA Initiatives in different regions with emphasis on
developing countries, description and evaluation
� OA Mendates
� Role of employers and research funders
Open Access Publishing
� OA Journals, growth and development
� OA Publishing, different models
� OA Publishing in different disciplines
� OA Publishing Trends
Open Access Repositories
� Institutional and Subject Repositories: Growth and Development
� Challenges and Opportunities
� Progress Issue
� Implementation, Content Recruitment, Policy Formation,
Collection Management, Services etc.
� Certification and Quality Control
� Peer Reviewing and Information Retrieval Systems.
Open Access Standards
� Open Archives Initiative (OAI)
� Digital Object Identifier System (DOI)
� Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)
� Open URL
� Open Source Softwares
MetaData Harvesting and Interoperability
� OAI-PMH and Interoperability
� Semantic Web Search
� Specific Data Discovery Tools
Copyright and Preservation
� Publishers Copyright Policies
� Author�s Copyright Issues
� Various Projects (Creative Commons; RPMEO; SPARC etc)
� Preservation Issues (Long and Short Term)
Use and Impact
� Survey
� Impact on Research
� Author utility
� Impact on Libraries and Publishers
� Changing Role of Librarians
� Developing Countries: use and impact