Workshop on Information Literacy Competency Development for Library and Information Science Professionals and Special Educators Organised by Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science (SALIS) (www.autolib-india.net/salis) in collaboration with Madras School of Social Work(MSSW), Chennai Supported by UNESCO (www.portal.unesco.org) Date 6-10th Nov, 2006 Venue MSSW, Chennai - 600 008 Workshop on Information Literacy Competency Development for Library and Information Science Professionals and Special Educators About the Workshop: Information Literacy (IL) and lifelong learning have been described as the beacons of the Information Society, illuminating the courses to development, prosperity and freedom. IL empowers people in all walks of life to seek, evaluate, use and create information effectively to achieve their personal, social, occupational and educational goals. It is a basic human right in a digital world and promotes social inclusion in all nations. Information literacy enables people to interpret and make informed judgments as users of information sources, as well as to become producers of information in their own right. Information literate people are able to access information about their health, environment, education, work and empowering them to make critical decisions about their lives (portal.unesco.org). Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals have the task of handling the information explosion and deliver the right kind of information services to the right users. LIS professionals are expected to guide the users for using the right information to develop the skill of users. IL facilitates to seek and evaluate right sources of information and acquire it. This workshop is designed for special educators and LIS professionals working in special institutions for the disabled people covering all major aspects of IL Competency Development. Hence this workshop will enable the delegates to provide better services to the disabled persons in their institutions. Objectives of the Workshop: ⢠To give awareness and overview about IL, its needs and uses, ICT, IL models and standards to LIS professionals working in special institutions for the disabled people. ⢠To facilitate LIS professionals and special educators to provide better information services to the disabled people ⢠To give an overview about the right to information act and freedom of information ⢠To develop IL programs for the disabled people. Content of the Workshop: ⢠IL Overview and Lifelong Learning ⢠ICT Literacy and ICT Technologies ⢠IL Models and Competency Standards ⢠LIS Services for the Disabled People ⢠Assistive Technologies for the Disabled People ⢠IL and Learning Assessment ⢠Right to Information Act - Freedom of Information ⢠Development of IL Programmes for the Disabled People ⢠UNESCO/IFLA School/Public Library Manifesto ⢠Case Studies Methodology: ï§ Lectures/Presentations ï§ Practical sessions ï§ Field Visits/ Case Studies/Discussions Resource Persons: Experts from reputed academic institutions, Govt. and IT field. Target Participants: Special Educators those who are managing the Library/ Library professionals working in special schools/ special institutions/vocational centers and NGOs for physically challenged, visual/hearing impaired or physically challenged (PH) library professionals No. of Participants: The number of participants is limited to 30. Mode of selection: The participants will be selected from nominations received from the states of Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Puducherry(formerly Pondicherry), and Andaman & Nocobar Islands and Tamil Nadu based on the experience, profile of the institutions, and so on. Fee: No fee Last Date: 23.10. 2006 Intimation of Selection: 25.10.2006 by Phone/E-mail/Letter Traveling Allowance(TA): Selected candidates will be paid TA of Rs.500/- or actual by II Class Train (by shortest route) on production of original ticket, whichever is less. Accommodation: Outstation participants will be provided free accommodation on twin-sharing basis for 5 days from 6th to 10th, November 2006 only. About the Organisers: Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science (SALIS): SALIS is a registered professional body, actively involved in the development of all spheres of Library and Information Science and Technology by organizing various programmes. It has various chapters located at different parts of the nation to provide services. Some of the objectives of SALIS are: ï§ To organize various programmes like lectures, seminars, conferences, workshops and training for the benefit of LIS professionals in the country ï§ To train the LIS professionals to handle the latest ICT and other tools and techniques more effectively and efficiently in order to provide quality based services to the users. ï§ To serve the society by organizing awareness programmes such as IL, promoting the reading habits of the public , etc. Madras School of Social Work (MSSW): MSSW was founded by Mrs.Mary Clubwala Jadhav in the year 1952 under the joint auspices of the Madras State Branch of the Indian Conference of Social Work (renamed the Indian Council of Social Welfare) and the Guild of Service (Central). The College is now run under the aegis of the Society for Social Education and Research formed in 1960. It is a pioneer institution offering quality higher education in the fields of Social Work, Counselling and Human Resource Management. The institution is NAAC accredited and was recently conferred with autonomy status. About the Sponsor â UNESCO: UNESCO - the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was founded on 16th November 1945. Today, UNESCO functions as a laboratory of ideas and a standard-setter to forge universal agreements on emerging ethical issues. UNESCO also serves as a clearinghouse â for the dissemination and sharing of information and knowledge â while helping Member States to build their human and institutional goals. The Information for All Programme of UNESCO is the only intergovernmental programme exclusively dedicated to promoting universal access to information and knowledge for development. UNESCO organises and supports many programmes across the world to promote IL to enhance the quality of human life and standard besides its other programmes. Workshop Conveners: Dr. S. Muralidhar (Cell: 9444081729) saramurali@yahoo.com Scientist 'E', Head TIRC, CVRDE Chennai - 600 054 Mrs. V. Sakthi Regha (Cell: 9841148865) Librarian, MSSW, Chennai - 600 008 vsakthirekha@yahoo.com Workshop Co-ordinator: Mr. A. Hariharan (Cell: 9841601901) Salis_info@yahoo.co.in President SALIS For more details of the programme and to download the application form, please visit: http://autolib-india.net/salis http://en/wikipedia/user:salis_info Registration Form Name : Qualification: Designation: Name & Address of the Institution: Type of the Institution: (Govt./Aided/Private/NGO/Others) Address for communication: Tel: (O) (R) Cell: E-mail: Whether PH: Yes/ No Profile of the institution including Library Collection & Services should be attached in a separate sheet. Signature of the Signature of the Participant Head of the Institution Last Date: 23.10. 2006 Intimation of Selection: 25.10.2006 by Phone/E-mail/Letter Completed nomination/registration form should be sent to: Mrs. V. Sakthi Regha Workshop Convener Madras School of Social Work 32, Casa Major Road, Egmore Chennai - 600 008 Tel: 044-28195126 vsakthirekha@yahoo.com salis_info@yahoo.co.in ---------------------------------------- A.Hariharan SALIS salis_info@yahoo.co.in __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com