Kindly arrange to distribute through LIS forum: ================================ *Centenary Photography Competition * Commemorating its centenary, the Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore is organizing a photography competition open to all Indian citizens living in India. The theme for the contest is ‘*Sugarcane’*. Entry is free. Individual digital photographs must be the competitor’s own work, and cannot be older than 10 years. Entrants can upload up to three images related to the theme. There will be three winners with five consolation prizes. *Practical information:* · Deadline for submissions: 12 hrs IST on* 15 December 2012* · Photographs and entry forms must be sent by email to * sbiphotocontest@gmail.com* · Information about the competition is available at* * http://www.sugarcane100.blogspot.in , www.sugarcane.res.in & www.caneinfo.nic.in Contact the Chairman, Publicity committee, SBI-Centenary, at sbicentenary@gmail.com if anything needs to be clarified. ====================== -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.