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Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 13:52:35 +0530
From: icoascr2013
Dear Professional colleagues,
Its pleasure to inform you that, The Dept. of Library and Information
Science, Bangalore University, Bangalore is is organising an International
Conference on "Open Access-Scholarly Communication Reincarnated: A
Futuristic Approach" on 19th-20th of August 2013 in Association with Korea
Institute of Science and Technology information (KISTI), Korea and Indian
Library Association (ILA), Delhi. The Department of Library and Information
Science, Bangalore University, Bangalore wholeheartedly welcomes you for
the event. Please find the attached invitation.
The copy of the invitation and Programme Schedule are also available in
conference website. please visit to www.icoascr.weebly.com
In additional paper presentation by the respective authors, the organisers
are identified 10 plenary speakers to share their expertise in the field of
Open Access and Open Sources.We hope and confident that all of you will
take active participation during our International Conference.
Thank you
With high regards,
Dr. Ramesha
Organising Secretary