Dear all, The British Library has made available 14 great books on its website. Among these are 1508 notebook by Leonardo Da Vinci containing short treatises, notes and drawings of a wide range of subjects from mechanics to the moon and Classical Botanical Illustrations, Elizabeth Blackwell's remarkable Herbal The site even allows you to view the original manuscript written in Leonardo's own handwriting ! quite remarkable. http://www.bl.uk/onlinegallery/ttp/ttpbooks.html Pradeepkumar M Umdale Proj Ass. Information Division/ Library National Chemical Laboratory Pashan Rd., Pune- 411 008 Ph.No.91-20-25902031/25902038 (Direct) --------------------------------- Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your partner now. Dear all, The British Library has made available 14 great books on its website. Among these areĀ 1508 notebook by Leonardo Da Vinci containing short treatises, notes and drawings of a wide range of subjects from mechanics to the moon and Classical Botanical Illustrations, Elizabeth Blackwell's remarkable Herbal The site even allows you to view the original manuscript written in Leonardo's own handwriting ! quite remarkable. http://www.bl.uk/onlinegallery/ttp/ttpbooks.html http://www.bl.uk/onlinegallery/ttp/ttpbooks.html Pradeepkumar M Umdale Proj Ass. Information Division/ Library National Chemical Laboratory Pashan Rd., Pune- 411 008 Ph.No.91-20-25902031/25902038 (Direct) http://yahoo.shaadi.com Yahoo! India Matrimony : Find your partner now.