Greetings from JAIN (Deemed- to- be University)! Dear Professionals, With great pleasure, we would like to inform you that, the Learning Resource Centre, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), JGI Knowledge Campus, Bangalore in collaboration with the Digital Information Research Labs. (DIRF), Chennai, India is conducting a National Level Faculty Development Program on "Scientific Writing in Research Publishing" on 25th January 2018 at JGI Knowledge Campus, District Fund Road, Jayanagar 9th Block, Bangalore- 560069 About the Program Publications are practically used as the indicator to measure the quantum of research output. The publications indexed in the databases such as Scopus and ISI Thompson only are considered as publications at the global level. A large number of Indian papers are not accepted in ranked journals as many researchers do not gain an understanding of producing better content. Publishing the papers in peer-reviewed and internationally indexed journals is increasingly important, which will increase researchers’ index, wide acceptance and academic profiling. This is also very important for the ranking of the institutions. Objectives of the Program: -The ways of producing good research and writing eminent papers with scientific reporting -Gain exposure to creating new approaches and solve research problems -The content of a good research, good review and revision The program will address the following questions. • How to produce quality research publication? • How to reflect the research carried out through the publication? • What are the measures for research impact? • What is the best way to disseminate research? • How to structure the research publication? • How to assess the reviewed publication? • What is indexed research? • How to integrate the research in the process of global review and indexing? • How to increase the research publication quality and record high research productivity? • How to improve English language presentation and proofread the language without language experts? • How to find collaborators and form the collaborative network in research The program will discuss the ways to optimize the research publication activities and the structure of research publications, review and indexing process, methods of generating good publications, demonstration of global indexing databases, research networks and other citation and evaluation metrics. Who can participate? Researchers, academicians & scientists, librarians and administrators from Colleges, Universities, Research Laboratories and Scientific Agencies. Fees: Full-time students: Rs. 600/- (should carry valid ID cards compulsorily) Faculty and Industry Rs. 1000/- The fee covers kit, lunch, tea/coffee and certificate. No TA/DA will be provided to participants. Payment mode: Cash at Venue or DD drawn in favour of ‘Jain University – SCMS’ Those who like to pay cash can send a participation confirmation mail to- fdprogrammeju@gmail.com With Warm Regards, Dr Meeramani N Organizing Secretary Librarian, Jain (Deemed-to-be University) JGI Knowledge Campus 44/4, District Fund Road Behind Big Bazar Jayanagar 9th Block Bangalore-560 069 +91 9845500343 Email: n.meeramani@jainuniversity.ac.in -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.