Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 10:35:48 +0530
From: Puttaraj Choukimath
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 13:59:59 +0530 From: D V Singh
I am very sorry to know that we lost a great professional.He was very nice person and excellent professional. It is big loss to our profession
Dr.D V Singh University Librarian Kurukshetra Uinversity -- Mr.Puttaraj, A. C. Asst. Librarian (SS) Periodicals Section, SDTM Library, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, P.B. No.8313, Deonar, MUMBAI - 400 088 (Maharashtra) INDIA T: +91-22-2552 5285 (O); Fax: +91-22-2552 5050 E: choukimath@tiss.edu; choukimath@gmail.com W: http://library.tiss.edu/ B: http://socialsciencesinfoblog.blogspot.com