Microsoft announced Tuesday that it planned to join the online book-search movement with a new service called MSN Book Search. Microsoft is making the largest contribution to the alliance to date - $5 million - which is enough to scan about 150,000 books. Several universities, including the University of California, Columbia University and Rice University, as well as the Internet Archive and the National Archives of Britain, have joined the alliance. Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/10/26/technology/26book.html Thanks & Regards, Farooque Shaheen, Caritor India Pvt Ltd. Tel. 080-26678388 # 4105 Mobile-9342507449 Microsoft announced Tuesday that it planned to join the online book-search movement with a new service called MSN Book Search. Microsoft is making the largest contribution to the alliance to date - $5 million - which is enough to scan about 150,000 books. Several universities, including the University of California, Columbia University and Rice University, as well as the Internet Archive and the National Archives of Britain, have joined the alliance. Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/10/26/technology/26book.html Thanks & Regards, Farooque Shaheen, Caritor India Pvt Ltd. Tel. 080-26678388 # 4105 Mobile-9342507449