2023 Winter School: Enhancing Metacognitive Awareness & Metaliteracy Skills Towards Becoming a Self-Determined Researcher (23rd Nov & 24th Nov 2023; 12AM to 3AM ET) Registration is open for” *Information Ethical Considerations of Generative AI: Research, Teaching & Learning**”* on *21st & 22nd November 2023; 2 AM to 5 AM ET* Please register here. The Zoom link will be sent 48-24 hours before the session. Few scholarships are available https://www.asist.org/2023/10/10/winter-school/. *About the Workshop:* Metacognition is essentially the critical self-reflection or thinking about one’s own thinking. Metacognition is one of the domains of metaliteracy. Metaliteracy is a requirement for successful research. It promotes critical thinking and collaboration in a connected world, providing a comprehensive framework to effectively participate in social media and online communities. It is a unified construct that supports the acquisition, production, and sharing of knowledge in collaborative online communities. Metaliteracy challenges traditional skills-based approaches and expands on traditional information literacy. This allows us to consider the related literacy types and incorporate emerging technologies. Standard definitions of information literacy are insufficient for the revolutionary social technologies as well as research trends in our changing world. Outcomes: After completing this workshop, participants will be able to: Understand and explain the nature of metacognition and metaliteracy; Analyze the connection between the two; Convey the importance of being a self-determined metaliterate researcher; Understand and describe all the attributes of a self-determined researcher; Apply these skills in your own research these skills as a teacher, collaborator, researcher, and publisher of research as a self-directed scholar/researcher; Be able to function and prosper, as a metaliterate researcher and scholar, in an uncertain and highly variable information environment. Day 1 Welcome and introduction Outline of what to expect of the day (Includes online Sticky Note activity) Introduction and background to Metacognitive models What are the elements Class activity Interactive map - what research projects/activities are you currently doing? How do metacognitive skills improve research acumen? DAY 2 Welcome Recapping of Day 1 What is metaliteracy and why is this critical for research? Watching a video on metaliteracy learning domains What is the role of metacognition and metaliteracy in self-determination? Collaborative group activity – mind mapping the takeaway of the workshop *Instructor: **Dr. Brenda van Wyk* *Brenda van Wyk* (PhD; M.Ed; M.Inf) is currently a senior academic in the EBIT Faculty at the University of Pretoria. Previous positions include the Head of LIS, The IIE, and the Dean of Research at the IIE. She has been responsible for literacy teaching, postgraduate supervisor training, and postgraduate support in her current as well as previous positions. She has a passion for technology-assisted teaching and learning towards digital inclusion and cognitive social justice. Her research interests include open scholarship, metaliteracy, ABET, and information and research ethics. She serves on the steering committee of ACEIE https://www.up.ac.za/african-centre-of-excellence-for-information-ethics. She was instrumental in the planning and implementing open-access research repositories. She is the Managing Editor of a DHET-accredited journal: the Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning (IJTL https://ijtl.iie.ac.za/). She is the Co-Chair of ICIL-Africa. She has published several manuscripts and articles in academic journals, chapters in books, and conference proceedings. She is a research associate with JET Education Services Best regards, Leili Register here https://associationforinformationscienceandtechnologyasist.growthzoneapp.com... . -- Regards, Leili Seifi, PhD Associate Professor Department of Knowledge & Information Science Faculty of Behavioral Science University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran Tel(Office): +98 56 31026855 https://cv.birjand.ac.ir/seifi/en -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.