Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 17:23:48 +0530
From: ++ Mukesh Anand ++
Members may also be interested in the forthcoming publication:
FAO Statistical Databases. (CD-ROM)
Year : 2004
ISBN 92-5-005125-5
Price : US$ 600.00
FAOSTAT is a statistical database that currently
contains more than 3 million time-series records.
This new, updated CD-ROM incorporates statistical
information up to January 2004, covering more than
300 countries and territories and 3 000 items in
the following areas of agriculture, fisheries,
forestry and nutrition:
* Production
* Trade
* Food Balance Sheets
* Producer Prices
* Forestry Trade Flow
* Land Use and Irrigation
* Forest Products
* Fishery Products
* Population
* Codex Alimetarius Food Quality Control
* Fertlizers and Pesticides
* Agricultural Machinery
* Food Aid Shipments
* Exports by Destination
Please confirm your order
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