Dear Sir/Madam, It's ourimmense pleasure to inform you that, Central Library, Central University ofRajasthan, is going to organise 5th National Conference of Institute of Scientometricson " Scientometrics, Social Media/Networking and Recent Trends in LIS" during 22-23 October 2016.Thisconference aims to create a platform for stimulating discussions &deliberations on the conference theme – Scientometrics, Social Media/Networkingand Recent trends in Library and Information Science. Call for Papers: Send your research papers on any of thesub-themes or any other theme relevant to the main theme of the Conference.Papers should be sent to slsangam@gmail.com and copy to librarian@curaj.ac.in on or before 30thAugust 2016. The manuscriptshould in MS Word format in Times New Roman with font size 12 & 1.5 linespacing and reference of the paper should be in APA style. Part –IScientometrics¨ EmpiricalLaws of Bibliometrics¨ Evolution:Librametrics, Bibliometrics, Informatics, Scientometrics, Webometrics & Altmetrics¨ GrowthStudies¨ CollaborativeStudies¨ Obsolescencestudies¨ NationalScience Policy Indicators¨ CitationAnalysis¨ Rankingof Universities & Institutions etc.¨ JournalImpact Factor & H-Index¨ Othersrelated to Scientometrics, including recent Trends Part –II Social Networking/MediaTools in Libraries¨ Wikipedia¨ Facebook¨ Twitter¨ ResearchGate¨ YouTube¨ Linked-in¨ Othersrelated to Social media/networking Tools Part –III Recent trends in LIS¨ Cloudcomputing¨ Big dataanalyses & data mining¨ DigitalLibraries¨ Collectiondevelopment¨ E-Resources:Evaluation, Maintenance and Organization ¨ OpenAccess/education/courseware/source software¨ Role ofLibraries and Librarians in current scenario ¨ WebDiscovery Tools¨ IPRissues in digital environment¨ Othersrelated to Recent trends in LIS Registration & Accommodation: The registration fee for this conference is Rs.2000.00 per participant and Rs. 1000 for regular students. The registration fee includes conference kitand working lunch/snacks only. No TA/DAwill be provided to attend this conference. On request, accommodation will be provided on twin sharing basis on first comefirst serve basis on payment of Rs. 1000per participant (for 2 days and 2 nights on conference dates only) DD should bemade from any nationalised bank in favour of ''Central University of Rajasthan'' payable at Kishangarh. For more details contact librarian@curaj.ac.in in 01463238572/ 01463238540 Thanking you Dr. Vijayakuma MOrganising Secretary __ Vijayakumar M. MSc., MCA., Ph.D., UGC-NET. Central LibraryBirla Institute of Technology, A Technical University Mesra, Ranchi- 835215, India Tel:0651-2276675 Fax:0651-2275401http://www.bitmesra.ac.in/-*- || Thank you for considering the environment before printing