Sri LJ Haravu had a wonderful librarianship. I recall, during Eighties, his library at ICRISAT, patancheru was one of the favourite hot spots for library students / researchers for its automation, richness in content and his willingness to share good practices. So its time we celebrate his work and contributions !! RIP Haravu Bp prakash Ashoka University On Wed, 4 Mar 2020 at 5:53 PM, chudamani kuppahalli < kschudamani@rediffmail.com> wrote:
I had seen him at drtc seminars. He was a very knowledgeable person. He managed icrisat with all information management tools in running it . I think, we have lost a great professional. Chudamani Sent from RediffmailNG on Android
From: Koteswara Rao Mamidi <mk-rao@hotmail.com> Sent: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 14:43:35 GMT+0530 To: Shamprasad Pujar <pujar@igidr.ac.in> Subject: Re: [LIS-Forum] L J Haravu passed away
It’s sad to hear the news about the sudden death of Shri Haravu. He is indeed a great library professional and a true ICT expert apart from being a loving and unassuming human being. I am proud and lucky to be associated with him as a friend.
We have really lost a great library professional of our time. May his soul rest in peace.
Dr M Koteswara
Former librarian UoH
Sent from my iPhone
> On 04-Mar-2020, at 3:40 PM, Shamprasad Pujar <pujar@igidr.ac.in> wrote:
> Dear All,
> It is very sad to know the demise of Shri Haravu. He was tech savvy and
> guiding spirit for many professionals. I was fortunate to meet him first in
> ICRISAT during our BLISc tour in 1989 and later in some of the workshops.
> His contribution to the area of library automation is truly remarkable.
> I pray God to rest his soul in peace.
> Regards,
> S.M. Pujar
> Chief Librarian
> IGIDR, Mumbai
> ----
>> On Tue, 3 Mar, 2020, 10:07 PM Prakash K, & lt;prakash.kalvira@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Shri L J Haravu, residing at Mysore has passed away on 2nd of night of
>> March 2020 with brief illness of old age issues. He was a guiding spirit
>> for LIS professionals at Mysuru. He was freelance information consultant.
>> He was associated with Kesavan Institute of Information and Knowledge
>> Management. He was also source behind developing NewGenLib LIS software.
>> He was active on Facebook, specially with witty poems.
>> Laksminarasimh Jayaram Haravu b.1935, has Masters degree in Mathematics and
>> Masters in Information Science.
>> Since 1964, Shri. Haravu was pioneer in designing and implementing computer
>> - based tools to improve information services for scientific and technical
>> users of libraries in India and globally. A mathematician by training,
>> Haravu entered the information field at the National Scientific
>> Documentation Centre in New Delhi. He has since collaborated in many
>> projects and held senior positions at the Indian Institute of Technology,
>> the National Small Industry Extension Training Institute(NISIET) and Bharat
>> Heavy Electricals Ltd. (BHEL). He was consultant for DESIDOC, INFLIBNET,
>> FAO, IDRC, ILRI, etc. He served as a head of the Library and Documentation
>> services at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid
>> Tropics (ICRISAT) , Hyderabad. He has developed utilities for use with
>> Unesco’s Micro CDS/ISIS, Delphi-ISIS, SDI services. He was IASLIC Librarian
>> of the year 1994.
>> I met him at ICRISAT as student of BLIS in 1991, he inspired us with lot of
>> enthusiasm on current practices in Library Automation, Databases, Services,
>> Future Trends, etc. and opportunities to work in LIS field. Till last year
>> he was frequently visiting KSOU Library with his Engineer friend. I pray
>> god almighty to rest his soul in peace and give strength to bear this great
>> loss to his family.
>> Dr. K Prakash
>> Secretary, MyLISA
>> --
>> With best regards,
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Dr. K Prakash
>> Librarian
>> Karnataka State Open University
>> Mukthagangotri
>> Mysuru – 570006
>> Email: prakash_k@yahoo.com | Web: http://ksoumysuru.ac.in/
>> <http://www.ksoumysore.edu.in/>
>> Tel: 0821-2510953(Dir) | EPBX: 0821-2500873, 2519952 Extn.: 530
>> Cell: 9448066788
>> --
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-- Thanks & Regards, *B.P. Prakash* Director - Library Services | Ashoka University * M: +91 9028005817 l T: +91 130 2300650 | * www.ashoka.edu.in http://www.ashoka.edu.in