Organized by SALIS(Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science ) an all India active professional body in India - used to conduct programs throughout the year through its various chapters with the objective of ‘TO REACH THE UNCREACHED’ Our joint organizer - JBAS College of Women, Chennai is one the reputed colleges in India with very good facilities Conducive environment for learning Venue of the conference is located in the heart of the City Professionalism and vast experincein organizing national conference The main theme and sub-themes of the conference - Next Generation Library Services –are apt and important for debate, discussion and formulate strategies for preparing the future to provide next generation library services for the google generation. Major themes are: - Next Generation Library Services - Next Generation Library Services using Social Networking Tools - Content Management and E-learning - Digital Initiatives - Emerging Technology for Future Library - Collection Development for Future library - IPR- Copyright - Library and Society Expert Speakers from - Senior professors from Reputed Library Schools IIAP,Dept of Science and Technology (DST, Govt ofIndia),Bangalore Society for Internet and Public, Bangalore TCS (Tata Consultancy Service) InfoSys Senior Library Professionals from reputed Universities and Colleges Good hospitality and atmosphere to the participants Very minimum Registration fee –Rs.1000/-for Professionals and Rs.500/- for students 50% Concession to Students Mementos to all the paper presenters Best Paper Cash Awards (first and Second) to Professionals Best Paper Cash Awards (first and Second) to STUDENTS Conference volume with ISBN (will be released on 16th Aug 2013 ) SALIS Fellowship ( amount equivalent to registration fee ) will be given to eligible students, trainees and LIS professionals receive salary less than RS.10,000/- based on the criteria set by SALIS to attend the conference. DATES TO REMEMBER Last date for submission of papers : 15th July, 2013 Last Date of Registration : 12th August, 2013 For further details please contact: Mrs M.Jananth Najeemunnisa Beegum,M.C.A., M.L.I.S., M.Phil., (Ph.D.) Organizing Secretary and Librarian J.B.A.S. College for Women (Autonomous) No. 56 K.B. Dasan Road, Teynampet, Chennai - 600 018. Tamilnadu ( India). Tel: Library: 91-44-42110745 College: 044- 2436 4152 Cell: +91-9840596275 Fax No. 044 - 2436 4533 E-mail:jannathjeelani@yahoo.com, jbaslibrary@gmail.com For further details, pl visit http://autolib-india.net/ -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.