From their beginnings in 1995, the Libraries without Walls conferences have mapped a major change in the practice of
SECOND CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS Closing date Friday 2 March 2007 Libraries Without Walls 7: Exploring anywhere, anytime delivery of library services http://www.cerlim.ac.uk/conf/lww7/ An international conference organised by CERLIM - The Centre for Research in Library and Information Management http://www.cerlim.ac.uk/ To be held on the Aegean Island of Lesvos, Greece, at the Delphinia Hotel, Molyvos http://www.molyvoshotel.com/eng/hotel.htm 14 - 18 September 2007 Cost 495 GBP (including accommodation and breakfast for four nights, with lunches and refreshments during the Conference, and two evening dinners) Keynote Speaker Christine Borgman, Professor & Presidential Chair in Information Studies within the Graduate School of Education & Information Studies at the University of California Los Angeles. Conference Themes librarianship. While library services are still concerned to provide users with physical access to their buildings, electronic access, often from remote locations, is becoming ever more dominant. Library services are being integrated into virtual learning, research and personal environments. Papers presented at previous LWW conferences have mapped this change and provided examples of how libraries are delivering their services whenever and wherever their users need them. In 2007 we wish to encourage the widest possible range of papers to reflect the diverse current developments in library service delivery. We anticipate that papers may cover: New kinds of service, especially those which open up new paradigms of library perhaps the library equivalent of YouTube or MySpace? Papers which describe the librarys role within new models of scholarly publishing, including experience of developing services based on institutional or other repositories, and papers examining the responsibility of the library for digital curation. Service delivery in challenging environments, especially where the infrastructure may be sub-optimal as in some developing countries, or where the user group represents particular challenges. New technological solutions, provided these are presented to illustrate the impact on users of the improved services they make possible Delivery and assessment of information skills/literacies, especially where this is achieved through electronic environments. As in the past these themes are indicative and we remain open to proposals which, while in the general area of interest of the conference, do not fit neatly into the defined themes. In addition to research papers, we welcome papers based on truly innovative practice, but these should assess the more general lessons to be learned rather than simply presenting a localised case study. Submissions Presentations at the conference can be either papers of 30 minutes duration or interactive workshops of 60 minutes. Workshop sessions could start before and finish after the extended lunch break to allow for discussion time. To be considered please submit an abstract (between 400 and 800 words) together with a 50 word biographical statement and a 50 word synopsis of the paper or workshop which can be used to publicise your session. Proposals for workshop sessions should also include a brief description of the proposed session format, and an indication of any special room or equipment requirements. Please make sure you have read the Information for Workshop Presenters on the FAQ section of the LWW7 website. All presenters are expected to submit a paper for publication in the LWW Conference Proceedings series, published by Facet Publishing. Closing date Submissions should be sent by email (as text rather than an attachment), to lww-7@mmu.ac.uk or mailed to the address below by Friday 2nd March 2007. All proposals will be considered by a panel of independent referees. Applicants will be informed whether their submissions have been selected by the end of March 2007. Please note that, as the conference does not aim to make a profit, we are unable to offer discounted conference rates to all presenters. However, a small number of subsidised places are available at LWW7, covering the conference fee and a contribution to travel and subsistence costs. These places are intended for participants from countries under-represented at these conferences (especially those from developing countries) who would be prevented from attending for financial reasons. To apply for a subsidised place please submit the abstract of your paper accompanied by a short statement of up to 300 words which sets out the grounds for your application and your estimated travel costs. Feedback from the last Libraries without Walls Conference included these comments: The wide range of perspectives and the high level of professionalism in research papers and discourse were among the best I have experienced in library conferences! The Conference papers were both very informative and relevant; a very good match with what you promised there would be. Sharing is the strength of the Conference; the fact that there are people from all around the world, with different backgrounds and experiences. Very thought-provoking For further information please visit the website at http://www.cerlim.ac.uk/conf/lww7/ All enquiries should be addressed to the organisers: Libraries Without Walls 7 Conference Centre for Research in Library & Information Management (CERLIM) Department of Information and Communications Manchester Metropolitan University Geoffrey Manton Building Rosamond Street West Manchester M15 6LL United Kingdom Email: lww-7@mmu.ac.uk Tel: ++44 (0)161 247 6142 Fax: ++44 (0) 161 247 6979 To make a provisional booking, please provide the information below. This does not commit you in any way, but indicates to us the level of interest. We will contact you again when booking opens. I wish to make a provisional booking for the conference only OR I wish to make a provisional booking for the conference and submit a paper (delete as appropriate) Surname First names Position Organisation Address Telephone . Fax Email A separate booking form with instructions for payment will be forwarded to you in due course. Margaret Markland Research Associate CERLIM Department of Information and Communications Manchester Metropolitan University Geoffrey Manton Building Rosamond St West off Oxford Road Manchester M15 6LL Tel 0161 247 6142 Fax 0161 247 6979 "Before acting on this email or opening any attachments you should read the Manchester Metropolitan University's email disclaimer available on its website http://www.mmu.ac.uk/emaildisclaimer " ___________________________________________________________ Copy addresses and emails from any email account to Yahoo! Mail - quick, easy and free. http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/trueswitch2.html -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.