Dear friends, Greetings! please find below details of journal articles which is required by one of our faculty for his research. Kindly send me if u have these in your library. Thank you, Regards S.C.Kumaresan 1.Electrochromism in sputtered V2O5 thin films: structural and optical studies M. Benmoussa, , A. Outzourhit, A. Bennouna and E. L. Ameziane Thin Solid Films, Volume 405, Issues 1-2, 22 February 2002, Pages 11-16 2.ITO films sputter-deposited using an ITO target sintered with vanadium oxide additive M. Suzuki, Y. Maeda1, M. Muraoka2, S. Higuchi3 and Y. Sawada* Materials Science and Engineering B, Volume 54, Issues 1-2, 12 June 1998, Pages 43-45 3.Vanadium pentoxide thin films used as positive electrode in lithium microbatteries: An XPS study during cycling A. Benayada, H. Martineza, , , A. Giesb, B. Pecquenardb, A. Levasseurb and D. Gonbeaua Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 28 February 2006, 4.Optical and structural properties of vanadium pentoxide films prepared by d.c. reactive magnetron sputtering Li-Jian Menga, b, , , Rui A. Silvaa, Hain-Ning Cuib, Vasco Teixeirab, M.P. dos Santosc and Zheng Xud Thin Solid Films, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 18 January 2006, 5.XPS investigations achieved on the first cycle of V2O5 thin films used in lithium microbatteries A. Benayada, H. Martineza, , , A. Giesb, B. Pecquenardb, A. Levasseurb and D. Gonbeaua Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, Volume 150, Issue 1, January 2006, Pages 1-10 6.Electrochemical and structural properties of V2O5 thin films prepared by DC sputtering C. Navonea, J.P. Pereira-Ramosa, , , R. Baddour-Hadjeanb and R. Salotc Journal of Power Sources, Volume 146, Issues 1-2, 26 August 2005, Pages 327-330 7.Effect of total gas and oxygen partial pressure during deposition on the properties of sputtered V2O5 thin films A. Giesa, c, B. Pecquenarda, , , A. Benayadb, H. Martinezb, D. Gonbeaub, H. Fuessc and A. Levasseura Solid State Ionics, Volume 176, Issues 17-18, 31 May 2005, Pages 1627-1634 8. RF sputtered electrochromic V2O5 films L. Ottavianoa, A. Pennisia, c, F. Simone, , b, c and A. M. Salvid Optical Materials, Volume 27, Issue 2, November 2004, Pages 307-313 9.Effect of silver co-sputtering on amorphous V2O5 thin-films for microbatteries Jae Myung Leea, Ho-Sung Hwangb, Won-Il Chob, Byung-Won Chob and Kyoo Young Kim Journal of Power Sources, Volume 136, Issue 1, 10 September 2004, Pages 122-131 10.Electrochromism in sputtered V2O5 thin films: structural and optical studies M. Benmoussa, , A. Outzourhit, A. Bennouna and E. L. Ameziane Thin Solid Films, Volume 405, Issues 1-2, 22 February 2002, Pages 11-16 11.Sputter deposited ceriumvanadium oxide: optical characterization and electrochromic behavior E. Masetti, , a, F. Varsanob, F. Deckerb and A. Krasilnikovaa Electrochimica Acta, Volume 46, Issues 13-14, 2 April 2001, Pages 2085-2090 12.Structural, electrical and optical properties of sputtered vanadium pentoxide thin films M. Benmoussa, E. Ibnouelghazi, A. Bennouna and E. L. Ameziane Thin Solid Films, Volume 265, Issues 1-2, 1 September 1995, Pages 22-28 S.C.Kumaresan SeniorLibrarian, BITS - Pilani, Dubai Campus, P.O. Box No.500022. Block 11, Knowledge Village, Dubai, UAE Tele(009714)3664575/76, Fax(009714)3664580 Mobile. 00971508829462 Dear friends, Greetings! please find below details of journal articles which is required by one of our faculty for his research. Kindly send me if u have these in your library. Thank you, Regards S.C.Kumaresan 1.Electrochromism in sputtered V2O5 thin films: structural and optical studies M. Benmoussa, , A. Outzourhit, A. Bennouna and E. L. Ameziane Thin Solid Films, Volume 405, Issues 1-2, 22 February 2002, Pages 11-16 2.ITO films sputter-deposited using an ITO target sintered with vanadium oxide additive M. Suzuki, Y. Maeda1, M. Muraoka2, S. Higuchi3 and Y. Sawada* Materials Science and Engineering B, Volume 54, Issues 1-2, 12 June 1998, Pages 43-45 3.Vanadium pentoxide thin films used as positive electrode in lithium microbatteries: An XPS study during cycling A. Benayada, H. Martineza, , , A. Giesb, B. Pecquenardb, A. Levasseurb and D. Gonbeaua Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 28 February 2006, 4.Optical and structural properties of vanadium pentoxide films prepared by d.c. reactive magnetron sputtering Li-Jian Menga, b, , , Rui A. Silvaa, Hain-Ning Cuib, Vasco Teixeirab, M.P. dos Santosc and Zheng Xud Thin Solid Films, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 18 January 2006, 5.XPS investigations achieved on the first cycle of V2O5 thin films used in lithium microbatteries A. Benayada, H. Martineza, , , A. Giesb, B. Pecquenardb, A. Levasseurb and D. Gonbeaua Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, Volume 150, Issue 1, January 2006, Pages 1-10 6.Electrochemical and structural properties of V2O5 thin films prepared by DC sputtering C. Navonea, J.P. Pereira-Ramosa, , , R. Baddour-Hadjeanb and R. Salotc Journal of Power Sources, Volume 146, Issues 1-2, 26 August 2005, Pages 327-330 7.Effect of total gas and oxygen partial pressure during deposition on the properties of sputtered V2O5 thin films A. Giesa, c, B. Pecquenarda, , , A. Benayadb, H. Martinezb, D. Gonbeaub, H. Fuessc and A. Levasseura Solid State Ionics, Volume 176, Issues 17-18, 31 May 2005, Pages 1627-1634 8. RF sputtered electrochromic V2O5 films L. Ottavianoa, A. Pennisia, c, F. Simone, , b, c and A. M. Salvid Optical Materials, Volume 27, Issue 2, November 2004, Pages 307-313 9.Effect of silver co-sputtering on amorphous V2O5 thin-films for microbatteries Jae Myung Leea, Ho-Sung Hwangb, Won-Il Chob, Byung-Won Chob and Kyoo Young Kim Journal of Power Sources, Volume 136, Issue 1, 10 September 2004, Pages 122-131 10.Electrochromism in sputtered V2O5 thin films: structural and optical studies M. Benmoussa, , A. Outzourhit, A. Bennouna and E. L. Ameziane Thin Solid Films, Volume 405, Issues 1-2, 22 February 2002, Pages 11-16 11.Sputter deposited ceriumvanadium oxide: optical characterization and electrochromic behavior E. Masetti, , a, F. Varsanob, F. Deckerb and A. Krasilnikovaa Electrochimica Acta, Volume 46, Issues 13-14, 2 April 2001, Pages 2085-2090 12.Structural, electrical and optical properties of sputtered vanadium pentoxide thin films M. Benmoussa, E. Ibnouelghazi, A. Bennouna and E. L. Ameziane Thin Solid Films, Volume 265, Issues 1-2, 1 September 1995, Pages 22-28 S.C.Kumaresan SeniorLibrarian, BITS - Pilani, Dubai Campus, P.O. Box No.500022. Block 11, Knowledge Village, Dubai, UAE Tele(009714)3664575/76, Fax(009714)3664580 Mobile. 00971508829462