UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI-110 002 D.O.No.F.1-1/2002(PS)Exemp. Dated:- 14th June,2006 Dear Sir/Madam, The Commission in its meeting held on 11.6.2006 approved the second amendment in UGC Regulations for minimum qualifications for appointment and career advancement of teachers in Universities and Colleges incorporating the recommendations given in the Interim Report of the Committee constituted by MHRD under the Chairmanship of Prof.Bhalchandra Mungekar, Member, Planning Commission, New Delhi, to review the National Eligibility Test conducted by UGC. A copy of the amendment regulations is enclosed for necessary action. This would be effective from the date of issue of this letter. With regards, Yours sincerely, Sd/- (Pankaj Mittal) . The Vice-Chancellor All Universities UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION (MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED FOR THE APPOINTMENT AND CAREER ADVANCEMENT OF TEACHERS IN UNIVERSITIES AND INSTITUTIONS AFFILIATED TO IT (SECOND AMENDMENT REGULATIONS, 2006). UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI-110 002 F.No.1-1/2002(PS) Exemp. 14th June, 2006 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (e) & (g) of sub-section(I) of Section 26 read with Section 14 of University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956), and in supersession of the Regulations issued under University Grants Commission letter No.F.1-93/74(CPP) Part(v) dated 13th June, 1983, No.F.1-11/87(CPP-II) dated 19th September, 1991 and No.F.1-11/87(CPP) dated 21st June, 1995 and Notification No.F.1-93/74(CP) dated 19th February, 1985, 26th November, 1985 and No.F.3-1/94(PS) dated 24th December, 1998. UGC Regulations No.F.3-1/2000(PS) dated 4.4.2000 and No.F.1-1/2002(PS) Exemp. Dated 31st July, 2002, the UGC hereby makes the following Regulations to amend the UGC (Minimum Qualifications Required For The Appointment And Career Advancement Of Teachers in Universities and Institutions affiliated to it) Regulation, 2000, namely:- 1. Short Title, Application and Commencement: (i) These regulations may be called UGC (Minimum Qualifications Required For The Appointment And Career Advancement Of Teachers in Universities and Institutions affiliated to it) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2006. (ii) They shall apply to every university established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act, every institution including a constituent or an affiliated college recognized by the Commission, in consultation with the university concerned under Clause (f) of Section-2 of the UGC Act, 1956, and every institution deemed to be a university under Section 3 of the said Act. (iii) They shall come into force with immediate effect. 2 In the University Grants Commission (Minimum Qualifications required for the appointment and Career Advancement of Teachers in Universities and Institutions affiliated to it) Regulation, 2000, wherever the following para occurs:- "NET shall remain the compulsory requirement for appointment as Lecturer even for candidates having Ph.D. degree. However, the candidates who have completed M.Phil degree or have submitted Ph.D. thesis in the concerned subject upto 31st December, 1993 are exempted from appearing in the NET examination." should be substituted with the following para: Institutions affiliated to it) Regulation, 2000, wherever the following para occurs:- "NET shall remain the compulsory requirement for appointment as Lecturer for those with post-graduate degree. However,the candidates having Ph.D. degree in the concerned subject are exempted from NET for PG level and UG level teaching. The candidates having M.Phil degree in the concerned subject are exempted from NET for UG level teaching only." (Prof.Mool Chand Sharma) Secretary The Assistant Controller Publication Division Govt.of India, Ministry of Urban Development Poverty Alleviation, Civil Lines, Delhi-110 054 YEKANATH N KAMBLE ASST.LIBRARIAN R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,MYSORE ROAD, BANGALORE-59 (INDIA) PH.91-80-28600351/28604705/28600184 FAX : 91 - 80 - 2860 0337 MOBILE.9448585358 --------------------------------- Ring'em or ping'em. Make PC-to-phone calls as low as 1¢/min with Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI-110 002 D.O.No.F.1-1/2002(PS)Exemp. Dated:- 14 th June,2006 Dear Sir/Madam, The Commission in its meeting held on 11.6.2006 approved the second amendment in UGC Regulations for minimum qualifications for appointment and career advancement of teachers in Universities and Colleges incorporating the recommendations given in the Interim Report of the Committee constituted by MHRD under the Chairmanship of Prof.Bhalchandra Mungekar, Member, Planning Commission, New Delhi, to review the National Eligibility Test conducted by UGC. A copy of the amendment regulations is enclosed for necessary action. This would be effective from the date of issue of this letter. With regards, Yours sincerely, Sd/- (Pankaj Mittal) . The Vice-Chancellor All Universities UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION (MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED FOR THE APPOINTMENT AND CAREER ADVANCEMENT OF TEACHERS IN UNIVERSITIES AND INSTITUTIONS AFFILIATED TO IT (SECOND AMENDMENT REGULATIONS, 2006). UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI-110 002 F.No.1-1/2002(PS) Exemp. 14th June, 2006 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (e) & (g) of sub-section(I) of Section 26 read with Section 14 of University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956), and in supersession of the Regulations issued under University Grants Commission letter No.F.1-93/74(CPP) Part(v) dated 13th June, 1983, No.F.1-11/87(CPP-II) dated 19th September, 1991 and No.F.1-11/87(CPP) dated 21st June, 1995 and Notification No.F.1-93/74(CP) dated 19th February, 1985, 26th November, 1985 and No.F.3-1/94(PS) dated 24th December, 1998. UGC Regulations No.F.3-1/2000(PS) dated 4.4.2000 and No.F.1-1/2002(PS) Exemp. Dated 31st July, 2002, the UGC hereby makes the following Regulations to amend the UGC (Minimum Qualifications Required For The Appointment And Career Advancement Of Teachers in Universities and Institutions affiliated to it) Regulation, 2000, namely:- 1. Short Title, Application and Commencement: (i) These regulations may be called UGC (Minimum Qualifications Required For The Appointment And Career Advancement Of Teachers in Universities and Institutions affiliated to it) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2006. (ii) They shall apply to every university established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act, every institution including a constituent or an affiliated college recognized by the Commission, in consultation with the university concerned under Clause (f) of Section-2 of the UGC Act, 1956, and every institution deemed to be a university under Section 3 of the said Act. (iii) They shall come into force with immediate effect. 2 In the University Grants Commission (Minimum Qualifications required for the appointment and Career Advancement of Teachers in Universities and Institutions affiliated to it) Regulation, 2000, wherever the following para occurs:- "NET shall remain the compulsory requirement for appointment as Lecturer even for candidates having Ph.D. degree. However, the candidates who have completed M.Phil degree or have submitted Ph.D. thesis in the concerned subject upto 31st December, 1993 are exempted from appearing in the NET examination." should be substituted with the following para: Institutions affiliated to it) Regulation, 2000, wherever the following para occurs:- "NET shall remain the compulsory requirement for appointment as Lecturer for those with post-graduate degree. However,the candidates having Ph.D. degree in the concerned subject are exempted from NET for PG level and UG level teaching. The candidates having M.Phil degree in the concerned subject are exempted from NET for UG level teaching only." (Prof.Mool Chand Sharma) Secretary The Assistant Controller Publication Division Govt.of India, Ministry of Urban Development Poverty Alleviation, Civil Lines, Delhi-110 054 YEKANATH N KAMBLE ASST.LIBRARIAN R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,MYSORE ROAD, BANGALORE-59 (INDIA) PH.91-80-28600351/28604705/28600184 FAX : 91 - 80 - 2860 0337 MOBILE.9448585358 Ring'em or ping'em. Make http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/taglines/postman11/*http://us.rd.yahoo.com/ev... PC-to-phone calls as low as 1¢/min with Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.