Dear Friends: Please read the News (extract) below. Kudos to Librarian Shaheena. How about pressurising other State Assembly Libraries to join the good move? Vyasamoorthy, P =================== Library of Assembly open for students http://www.greaterkashmir.com/full_story.asp?ItemID=4069&cat=21 Srinagar, May 9: Speaker of Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly, Tara Chand accompanied by the Secretary,Legislative Assembly, Mohammed Iqbal Ganai,Deputy Secretaries M.Ramzan and Sami Ahmed and other senior officers, the speaker inspected a well- equipped Library in the Assembly premises. Tara Chand expressed satisfaction over the clean environment in and around the library and also the facilities being provided to legislators and officials of Assembly. On this occasion , the Speaker directed the Librarian , Shaheena to allow the student community, lawyers and other enthusiastic readers to avail the facilities of this library for research work and higher studies . Shaheena informed the speaker that around 25,000 books on constitution , law, science, politics , various religions , social science and languages are available in the library. She informed that several modern and latest dictionaries and encyclopedias have also been kept available for the enthusiastic readers. =========sent by ============ Dr.P.Vyasamoorthy, Advisor, Virtual Information Centre, ICICI Knowledge Park, Genome Valley, Turkapally, Shameerpet Mandal, RR District, Hyderabad 500078 INDIA Email: vyasamoorthy@icicikp.com Phone - Office: +91(40)23480053 Fax: +91(40)23480007 Phone Residence: +91(40)27846631