Librarians should be considered as a faculty and should be given the same rights given to the teachers. Librarian should have right to represent in board of studied of LIS, he should be given a right to vote and choose his representatives in the board. Since librarian is a person who is actually working in the library he knows what knowledge one should pusses to be successful in LIS profession & what should be taught to new entrants.
Library professionals also should demand separate faculty like other professions e.g. Law, architect, Management, Medical etc. LIS should have its own dean who will represent us at higher level so that we can able to take our profession forward.
These are few things if we able achieve then I am sure it will make lot of difference in our status in the society. We are planing to start one movement to achive this, I want to know your opinion and views on that.
With regard
Mr. S. K. Desale
Asst. Librarian
Jayakar Library
University of Pune