Dear Sir/Madam,

In my Ph.D. research, I urgently require the full text of the following documents:.
If anyone has access to these, please provide them. It will be a great help to me. 
  1. Anitha, K. (2021). Social Media Data Analysis: Rough Set Theory-Based Innovative Approach. In F. Al-Turjman, A. Nayyar, A. Devi, & P. K. Shukla (Eds.), Intelligence of Things: AI-IoT Based Critical-Applications and Innovations (pp. 209–226). Springer International Publishing.
  2. Banshal, S. K., Singh, V. K., & Muhuri, P. K. (2021). Can altmetric mentions predict later citations? A test of validity on data from ResearchGate and three social media platforms. Online Information Review, 45(3), 517–536.
  3. Baskaran, C. (2023). Information Literacy Competence on Social Media Use Against Scholarly Communication: A Case Study Among Faculty Members and Scholars in the Faculty of Management of Alagappa University. In Information Literacy Skills and the Role of Social Media in Disseminating Scholarly Information in the 21st Century (pp. 131–141). IGI Global.
  4. Desai, M., Mehta, R. G., & Rana, D. P. (2021). An Experimental Analysis to Learn Data Imbalance in Scholarly Data: A Case Study on ResearchGate. In Data Preprocessing, Active Learning, and Cost Perceptive Approaches for Resolving Data Imbalance (pp. 242–254). IGI Global.
  5. Desai, M., Mehta, R. G., & Rana, D. P. (2023a). Contextual analysis of scholarly communications to identify the source of disinformation on digital scholarly platforms. Kybernetes, 53(4), 1434–1449.
  6. Desai, M., Mehta, R. G., & Rana, D. P. (2023b). ScholarRec: A scholars’ recommender system that combines scholastic influence and social collaborations in academic social networks. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 16(2), 203–216.
  7. Desai, M., Mehta, R. G., & Rana, D. P. (2024). Anatomising the impact of ResearchGate followers and followings on influence identification. Journal of Information Science, 50(3), 607–624.
  8. Mishra, D., Hong, C., Kueh, L. H., Al-Absi, A., & Sain, M. (2020). Cyber security in Research and Academics due to Social Media. 2020 22nd International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 554–558.
  9. Palanivel, K. (2023). Academic and Research Information Sharing Through Social Media and Networks Among Autonomous Arts and Science Colleges in Chennai, India. In Information Literacy Skills and the Role of Social Media in Disseminating Scholarly Information in the 21st Century (pp. 26–42). IGI Global.
  10. Patil, J. P., & Sarkar, A. (2023). Contribution of female researchers in the water sector: A scientometric review. Water Security, 20, 100155.
  11. Teixeira da Silva, J. A. (2023). Letter to the Editor Regarding: Social Media in Neurosurgery: Using ResearchGate. World Neurosurgery, 176, 253–255.


Jaya Singh
Ph.D. Scholar