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Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 22:03:31 +0530
From: Sriram V
Dear All,
It seems to me that the University of Kerala has taken a right decision not to allow working librarians to do part time research for obtaining PhD. If any librarian is interested, he can do research without any registration and publish his findings in research journals, without affecting his job. When a person is employed as a librarian, he should do justice to his job for which he is employed. If he can do doctoral research alongwith his job, there will be compromise either in his job or in his studies, both of which are not good at all.
K Rajasekharan Librarian, Kerala Institute of Local Administration(KILA) Mulagunnathukavu, Thrissur - 680581 , India ------------------------------
Message: 2 Dear LIS Forum Members Considering the dynamic and educative role of librarians, especially those who are working, carreer advancement and further learning is an essential factor. In this context many Universities in India is encouraging the working professionals either directly or indirectly for further learning. However, it is sad that the University of Kerala by its order No.Ac.E1.B/2007 dated 5/10/2007 restricted the opportunity for Part Time PhD registration only for the Teachers.Till then, there were opportunites for registration, and all on a sudden the University took such a drastic step.As a result of this, the working people have to either take leave for doing PhD (Full time Research) or not doing PhD at all. I hope that all librarian fraternity take up this issue seriously and comment on this so that the higher up can come to know of it and change for the better.
Eldho Joy E --