Dear Professionals, The Department of Library and Information Science (MyDLIS), University of Mysore, Mysuru is organising a “National Conference on Digital libraries, Library automation, and OpenCourseWare: Issues and Best Practices” on November 10-11, 2017 under the UGC-SAP DRS II programme. The Conference committee has given a call to all interested professionals to contribute their research papers on or before October 20, 2017, to mallinathk@yahoo.com. The conference volume includes selected papers. The details of the topics and sub-topics are given in the brochure available at the "Upcoming Events section" on the homepage of the University of Mysore website ( http://www.uni-mysore.ac.in) or directly at the URL " http://uni-mysore.ac.in/national-conference-%E2%80%9Cdigital-libraries-libra... " For further details contact Prof. Mallinath Kumbar on the phone - 9844355929 or through email to mallinathk@yahoo.com or the undersigned. You can send your papers on the themes which include but not limited to the following areas: o Library Automation - Best practices in the library automation projects; Issues faced in automating the libraries; Library automation standards and issues related to their compliance; Library automation software; Managing library automation; cloud computing and library automation o Digital Libraries - Best practices in developing digital libraries and institutional repositories; Standards, Protocols, and Models; Technical infrastructure: Software, Hardware, and Networking; Digitization process; Case study of Digital libraries and Institutional repositories; IPR, Digital Rights Management, and Digital Asset Management; Digital preservation; Retrieval, user interface and user behavior; Funding issues; Professional skills and competencies Professional ethics o Open CourseWare (OCW) - Developing Open CourseWare; Scholarly publishing; Learning management systems; Case studies in OCW; MOOC platform; Collaborative tools for learning; Role of social media in open learning; Open knowledge movement; Trends in OCW; Impact of LIS education, training, and research in the digital era With regards N.S. Harinarayana Department of Library and Information Science University of Mysore, Manasagangotri Mysore 570 006 Off. Ph: (0821) 241939 5 9741533380 email:ns.harinarayana@gmail.com -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.