Dear LIS-Forum member, The October 2005 issue of InfoWatch is now online, bringing you the details of new Internet sites related to Science and Engineering. You can access the complete issue on the NCSI Web server at the URL : http://www.ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/infowatch/iw.php You will also find earlier issues of InfoWatch here. For your convenience, the table of contents is given below. If you wish to be on the mailing list of InfoWatch to receive the complete issue by e-mail, let us know. Also mention your format preference - html or text. Regards -Lalitha M.R (lalitha@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ InfoWatch Tracking Networked Scientific Information Sources and Services (An electronic update service brought to you by NCSI) October 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In This Issue 1. AllAboutCircuits.com - A complete guide to electric circuits 2. Daily rotation [Headlines from 300+ technology news feed sites] 3. Discoveries by National Science Foundation (NSF) 4. EE-triever Toolbar [A information resource for electrical engineers] 5. FreeRTOS - A Real Time Operating System (RTOS) for small embedded real time systems 6. gEDA [GPL software suite of EDA tools for Unix/Linux] 7. Genetics home reference [National Library of Medicine's web site for information about genetic conditions] 8. GEODISE - Grid Enabled Optimisation and Design Search Engine [A design optimisation tool demonstrator for Computational Fluid Dynamics problems] 9. Isotropy software suite [Software for the analysis of phase transitions in crystalline solids] 10. NASA Astrophysics Data System abstract service [A search engine for each of NASA's bibliographic databases] 11. National Semiconductor - The power of analog 12. Nobel prizes for the year 2005 13. NONLIN - Nonlinear dynamic time history analysis [A Microsoft Windows based application for dynamic analysis of single degree of freedom structural systems developed at FEMA] 14. Phenyx - Mass spectometry portein characterisation software 15. Reactome - A knowledgebase of biological processes 16. Sysinternals freeware [Advanced utilities, technical information and source code related to Windows] 17. Technical compendium by Wildpackets [Essays and papers on technical issues of interest to networking professionals] 18. Virtual Machine Shop (VMS) [A non-profit website for machine tool knowledge and training] 19. Web developers' handbook [A reference tool for cascading style sheets, web development, search engine optimization] 20. World Biodiversity Database (WBD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ About InfoWatch : InfoWatch is a monthly electronic newsletter, brought out by the National Centre for Science Information (NCSI) Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore - 560 012, INDIA. Information in the newsletter is collected and verified by NCSI staff.The newsletter aims to raise awareness of new sources of information on the Internet, particularly those which are relevant for higher education and research. Some items may be of relevance only to the IISc community.Resources reported here have been taken from various discussion lists and other network tools and no special claims are made for accuracy or originality. Most of the sources cited in the newsletter were checked at the time of publication, however it is possible that some of the resources are no longer available. We welcome comments about the newsletter and suggestions for resources to be featured. Please e-mail your comments to Infowatch editors: Ms. K. Thulasi (thulasi@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in) & Ms. M. R. Lalitha (lalitha@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in) ------------------------------------------------------------------------