Dear LIS Professionals, An Outstanding Academician, an ardent Researcher and a World Class Professional in LIS is superannuating today. I need not say it s none other than Prof.A.Amudhavalli, the HoD of Dept. of LIS, University of Madras. Madam is known for her upright honesty, academic integrity and she has contributed enormously for the development of quality LIS profession. Many students who were guided by this strict Disciplinarian is leading many university and R&D libraries across the globe. Today, Madam is superannuating. Though the University rules permit the teacher to continue service till the end of the academic year, Madam is willing to retire today. No Professor will lose six months service which will bring a big money by means of lucrative salary. But, again Madam has put her mark here. To attend Intl/Natl conferences, I have travelled widely across the country including few abroad universities. Wherever I go, I was respected by the LIS professionals once they came to know that I am a student of Prof.A.Amudhavalli. The University of Madras is organising a get-together today at 3.00 p.m. at DLIS to wish Prof.A.Amudhavalli. I request our LIS fraternity to wish Madam either in person or by other means. There is no doubt a great and visionary LIS teacher and researcher is superannuating from the world renowned University of Madras. But, we, the LIS professionals will always look forward to the kind guidance of Madam in future as well. May God Bless Madam Prof.Amudhavalli a long, happy, healthy and peaceful retired life. -- Thanking you, Yours sincerely, Dr.G. Rathinasabapathy, Ph.D., University Librarian Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Chennai - 600 051, Tamilnadu, INDIA Tel.: (Dir. ) 91-44-2555 1588 (Res) 91-44-25611619 Mob.: 098400 17397 email: librarian@tanuvas.org.in -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.