As a part of National Library Week (Nov 14-20, 2006), MyDLIS (Department of Library and Information Science, University of Mysore, Mysore) in collaboration with MyLISA (Mysore Library and Information Scientists Association, Mysore) and KALA (Karnataka Library Association) had organized a talk on Books Speak by Prof. Lingadeveru Halemane, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore on November 16, 2006 at 4.30 PM. It was organized at the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore. Prof. Lingadevaru Halemane, a linguist, writer and an eminent theatre personality delivered a lecture on the occasion. He began his speech by how he decided the topic for the talk. He said the topic of the occasion was derived from Safdar Hashmi s (A playwright and a father of Indian street play) Kitabein, a poem on importance of books in life. Prof. Lingadevaru has taken the audience for an intellectual journey with his vast experience and eloquent speech on the topic and linking the topic from literature post-modernism and to the developmental journalism. He spoke about the emergence of Readers Response Theory in the context of post-modernism and its influence in changing the path of the writings of the future. He shared his 15 years of experience with Literacy Mission and stressed the need for creating a literate society that enables to do value judgment in society. Prof. Halemane criticized the compartmentalized curricula based education system, because of its limitations to expand the knowledge base of the students. The emergence of interdisciplinary subjects in all branches of knowledge demands for the attitude for cutting across the barriers of curriculum. Further he said in spite of Internet, the popularity of books is not diminishing. He cited the example of jointly concluded Frankfurt Book Fair in Germany and the success of the book industry with all the technological advancement. Finally he concluded saying that Books are the only best companion and direct the right path in our life. Prof. Shalini Urs, President, MyLISA was present and spoke on this occasion. She said since the inception of MyLISA various activities are being conducted. She spoke about the importance of National Library Week and its celebrations in India. Dr. Mallinath Kumbar, Chairman of the Department welcomed the gathering, Dr.N.S Harinarayana of the Department introduced the chief guest, Mr. M.V.Sunil, Secretary, MyLISA proposed the vote of thanks and Dr.M. Chandrashekara, Reader in the Department anchored the program. Dr. Mallinath Kumbar Reader and Chairman Department of Library and Information Science University of Mysore Mysore 570 006