Dear all, Pl. find an invite for the "Library Week Celebrations” on 16th Nov 2017 at 10.00 a.m. The formal pdf invite with detailed pgm schedule is available at http://ieeecs-madras.managedbiz.com/pgms/2017/lib-week-pgm-171116.pdf To facilitate logistics, please pre-register at https://goo.gl/forms/fHiyPDfsWxx1nejO2 With regards HR Mohan Chairman, IEEE PCS INVITE ==============================================. University Library, Anna University IEEE India Office IEEE Computer Society, Madras Chapter IEEE Professional Communication Society, Madras Chapter Cordially invite you for the Library Week Celebrations on 16th Nov 2017 at 10.00 a.m. at TAG Auditorium, CEG, Anna University, Chennai 600025 Programme ========= 10.00 a.m. : Inauguration -- Invocation -- Welcome Address by Dr. G. Krishnamoorthy, Director, University Library, Anna University -- Felicitations by Dr. S. Ganesan, Registrar, Anna University -- About IEEE & Societies by Mr. H. R. Mohan, Vice Chair, IEEE Madras & Chair, IEEE PCS -- Inaugural address by Prof. Dr. T. V. Geetha, Dean, CEG, Anna University -- Vote of Thanks by Dr. P. Sakthivel, Chair, IEEE Computer Society 10.30 a.m.: Tea Break 11.00 a.m. : Resources in Anna University Library by Dr. G .Krishnamoorthy, Director, University Library, Anna University 11.30 a.m. : Tools for Librarians and Researchers by Dr. M. Jadhav, Librarian, Central Library, IIT Madras 12.00 noon: IEEE Xplore: Delivering Research Better Than Ever by Mr. Dhanu Pattanashetti, Client Services Manager, IEEE India 12.45 p.m. : Open Discussion 01.00 p.m. : Lunch The formal pdf invite with detailed pgm schedule is available at http://ieeecs-madras.managedbiz.com/pgms/2017/lib-week-pgm-171116.pdf To facilitate logistics, please pre-register at https://goo.gl/forms/fHiyPDfsWxx1nejO2 ======================================================= -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.