We have regularly been receiving requests from our library professional through out the country to extend the last date of registration for International Conference E-Resource in Higher Education: Issues, Developments, Opportunities and Challenges February 19th-20th , 2010 at Department of Library and Information Science, Bharathidasan University, Trichy Tamilnadu. It is my pleasure to inform you that the Organizing Committee considered the sanctity of the issue and decided to extend the last date of registration up to 30th December 2009.
Download brochure from: http://www.bdu.ac.in/libsem/
Important dates:
Submission of Abstracts - 15th December, 2009
Registration - 30th December 2009
Request for Hotel Reservation- 15th December 2009
Submission of full paper - 30th December 2009
Further Information:
Dr. S. Srinivasa Ragavan
Librarian & Head
Department of Library and Information Science,
Bharathidasan University
Trichy – 2
09943658068, 9486916358