Dear Sir/Madam, The Maharashtra Cosmopolitan EducationSociety, Azam Campus, Pune is organizing one DAY NATIONAL LEVEL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTPROGRAMME FOR LIBRARIANS ON "TRADITIONAL TO VIRTUAL: CHANGING DYNAMICS OFLIBRARY & INFORMATION SERVICES" For further details please visit https://mceslisevent.weebly.com/ You are requested to confirm yourparticipation by filling online registration form available at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScUt7r4FMixK0lttaMat7Z1rrYtX8va3hvxBOEi7sAOnSYOQQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1 Please note that seats are limited andwe will confirm your registration by e-mail. Registration Fee: 300/- (to be paid bythe confirmed participants at the time of attendance on the day of programme). Speakers: Dr. Akhtar Parvez (Hyderabad) Dr. Sundeep Kumar Pathak (Bhopal) Dr. S.A.N. Inamdar (Sangli) Mr. Kishore Ingale (Pune) Mrs. Vrushali Dandawate (Pune) Date: September 7, 2019 Venue: Hi-Tech Hall, Azam Campus, Camp, Pune-411001 --- Dr. Intekhab Alam SiddiquiPDP Co-ordinator