Dear Members, Please refer to the DataCite call for applications for different working groups. If you are interested in joining one of these working groups, please fill out this application form by 27th November 2023. You can also share this call with your colleagues and networks who might be interested. Best regards, Francis Francis Jayakanth JRD Library, IISc ----------------------- We currently have an open call for applications ( https://datacite.org/blog/call-for-applications-for-datacite-steering-and-wo...) for new members for the Services and Technology Steering Group (https://datacite.org/stsg/), the Community Engagement Steering Group (https://datacite.org/cesg/), the Regional Expert Groups (https://datacite.org/regional-expert-groups/), and the Metadata Working Group (https://datacite.org/metadata-working-group/). We have open seats for non-members that bring new expertise to the groups. Group members will be chosen based on their specific expertise. Based on our commitment to equity and inclusion, we strive for diversity and are therefore looking to include members from different regions, backgrounds, and types of organizations. If you are interested in joining a specific working group, please submit your application at https://forms.gle/4T4fUMzCTfKCdtr7A. The closing date for applications is 27th November 2023. Also, we'd be grateful if you could share this call with your colleagues and networks. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at jane.doe@datacite.org. All the best, Mohamad Mohamad Mostafa Regional Engagement Specialist: Middle East and Asia | DataCite he/him/his | Gulf Standard Time E: mohamad.mostafa@datacite.org | ORCID M: +971544300842 W: datacite.org | Blog | Twitter | LinkedIn A: DataCite -- Welfengarten 1B, 30167 Hannover, Germany -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.