You may like to attend this important international conference. I will be conducting a workshop during this international conference. Best regards Ramesh ******************************************************************************************Dr. Ramesh C. Gaur, PGDCA, MLISc,Ph.D. Fulbright Scholar (Virginia Tech, USA) Director (Library & Information in HAG Pay Scale) & Head, Kalanidhi Division Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts (IGNCA) (Autonomous body of Ministry of Culture, Government of India) 11 Man Singh Road, New Delhi-110001 Mob: 9810066244 Ph.(Off) 011-23388333 e-mail; (1) rcgaur66@gmail.com (2) gaur@ignca.nic.in,website: www.ignca.gov.in Profile: http://ignca.gov.in/PDF_data/profile_of_dr_ramesh_c_gaur.pdf **************************************************************************************** Member International Advisory committee (IAC), UNESCO Memory of the world Programme and National Coordinator- Expert's Group UNESCO MoW Programme in India, Member-IFLA RSCAO and ARL Section, Governing Council-INFLIBNET, NDLTD Board of Directors, International Consultative Committee on DIgital Dunhuang Project, China, UGC National Committee on Plagiarism Regulations, member of over 20 Library Advisory Committee / Boards of Many Central Universities and other institutions , Awards-Have received 10 National and International awards, Have visited 22 countries in relation to various professional assignments ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Begin forwarded message:
From: amota@upt.pt Date: 1 August 2019 at 7:52:17 PM IST To: univers@infoserv.inist.fr Subject: [UNIVERS] ETD2019, Porto, Portugal Reply-To: amota@upt.pt
22nd International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations ETD 2019, 6-8 November 2019, Universidade Portucalense, Porto, Portugal
Programme Information on the Preliminary Programme is now available for consultation on the conference website at http://etd2019.upt.pt/etd-2019-program/
Keynote Speakers The Organization Committee has the pleasure to announce the confirmed ETD2019 Keynote Speakers: Eloy Rodrigues: University of Minho, Braga, Portugal Joachim Schöpfel: University of Lille, France Maria Manuel Borges, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal Michael Witt, Purdue University, USA
Workshops Workshops already confirmed: Preparing code and data for computational reproducibility: a hands-on workshop - Edward A. Fox and William A. Ingram, Virginia Tech, USA Plagiarism in research: its detection and avoidance using emerging tools and technologies - Ramesh C.Gaur, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, India
More information at http://etd2019.upt.pt/keynote-speakers-guests/
Registration Registration is open at http://etd2019.upt.pt/registration/ . About the Conference Under the theme "Fruits of knowledge", ETD 2019 symposium will provide the opportunity to explore the idea of ETDs as a global opportunity. It will address topics such as relevant best practices to support ETDs procedures, innovation and use; innovative ETDs; changing technological environments; legal issues; and ETDs contribution to the development of education, social integration, economic growth and technological progress.
We are looking forward to seeing you at Universidade Portucalense, in Porto!
ETD2019 Website: http://etd2019.upt.pt/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ETD-2019 Twitter: https://twitter.com/2019Etd E-mail: etd2019@upt.pt
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