With respect to the PGDLAN Course of IGNOU I requested the regional director of IGNOU at hyderabad as to why Hyderabad has not been mentioned in the advetisement. The correspondance is quoted below for the benefit of students from Hyderabad. Vyasamoorthy ========= Dear Vyasamoorthy, The University has not approved any centre for Hyderabad Region. The students from this region should opt anyone of the centre notified by the University. Dr.V.Vasudevan Regional Director IGNOU Regional Centre Hyderabad -----Original Message----- From: VYASAMOORTHY /IKP/HYD [mailto:Vyasamoorthy@icicikp.com] Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 12:17 PM To: 'ignourch@hd2.dot.net.in' Cc: 'ignourch@hd2.vsnl.net.in' Subject: FW: PGDLAN Diploma Course Dear Sri Vasudevan, There was advertisement regarding PDGLAN course in newspapers. Hyderabad Regional Center is not included in the list of contact addresses mentioned therein. Does it mean that students from AP can not participate? Kindly clarify. I have been an academic counsellor for IGNOU MLibSc for the past several years. Thanks. *Dr.P.Vyasamoorthy, Advisor, Virtual Information Centre *ICICI Knowledge Park, Turkapalli Village, Shameerpet Mandal, RR District, Hyderabad 500078 INDIA *Ph: +91(40) 2348 0053; Fax:+91(40) 2348 0007 Ph. Res: +91(40) 2784 6631 *Website: http://www.vic-ikp.info/ http://www.vic-ikp.info and http://www.iciciknowledgepark.com http://www.iciciknowledgepark.com ================== -----Original Message----- From: Saiful Amin [mailto:saifulamin@yahoo.com] Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 10:15 PM To: digilib_india@yahoogroups.com Subject: [digilib_india] PG Diploma in Library Automation and Networking by IGNOU IGNOU Invites Applications for admission to POST-GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN LIBRARY AUTOMATION AND NETWORKING PROGRAMME (PGDLAN) (Commencing from January 2004 Session) The Post-Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking (PGDLAN) Programme offered by IGNOU is an innovative programme utilizing self-instructional materials and information-technology along with interactive personal contact programmes. It aims at developing the professional competencies of the library and information professionals in an automated and networked environment. It provides opportunities for in-depth practical to enhance technological skills of the learners to develop and manage a computerized library and information centre. Eligibility for Admission: A Bachelor's Degree in library and Information Science (BLISc). Duration: 1 Year Medium of Instruction: English General Information: The Student Handbook and Prospectus, containing the application form, can be obtained from the following Tele-learning/Regional Centres or from Director (SR&E), IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-11 0068 in person on payment of Rs. 30/- in cash or through post by sending IPO or Demand Draft of Rs.80/- in favour of IGNOU, payable at the city of the Regional Centre/New Delhi as the case may be. Address of Regional Centres: (1) 268C-Pitru Ashish. Ishwar Bhawan Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-38000 (2) No.293. 39. Cross, 8' Block, Jayanayar, Bangalore-560082 (3) C-1, Institutional Area, Bhubaneshwar-751 013 (4) CIT Campus, Taramani, Chennai - 600113 (5) 52, Institutional Area, Tughlakabad Extn., Near Batra Hospital, New Delhi-110062 (6) 2, Azad Bhawan Road. I.P. Estate, New Delhi - 110002 (7) Navagiri Road, 1st Bye-Lane, Chandmari, Guwahatl-781003 (8) Bikash Bhawan, 4th Floor, North Block, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata-700091 (9) 1st Floor, MSFC Bldg., 270, Senapati Bapat Road, Pune-411016. Last Date for Submission of application form at the Regional Centre is 15.10.2003 Saiful Amin Indian School of Business Gachibowli Hyderabad - 500 019. India. Ph. +91-40-2318-7963/7999 http://purl.org/net/saiful http://purl.org/net/saiful http://yahoo.shaadi.com Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your partner online. Post your http://yahoo.shaadi.com profile. Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ADVERTISEMENT <http://rd.yahoo.com/M=194081.3897168.5135684.1261774/D=egroupweb/S=17050077 09:HM/A=1732161/R=0/SIG=11p5b9ris/*http://www.ediets.com/start.cfm?code=3050 9&media=atkins> click here <http://us.adserver.yahoo.com/l?M=194081.3897168.5135684.1261774/D=egroupmai l/S=:HM/A=1732161/rand=670392697> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: digilib_india-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ .