Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 14:49:30 +0530 (IST)
From: Goa Academic Library Network
Dear Friends,
I am happy to let members of this list know that Goa University Library
has created an academic library network consisting of Goa University
library and other college libraries in Goa who are willing to join the
network by using NewGenLib Library networking Software. Members are
already probably aware that NewGenLib is the joint effort between the
Kesavan Institute of Information and Knowledge Management
( And a software company, Verus Solutions Pvt.,
Ltd., both in Hyderabad. Details of NewGenLib and its features can be seen
at its web site,
The Goa Academic library networks union database OPAC is now accessible
at and I welcome members of this list to
access our OPAC. However, all the links are not yet functional. However
link to the goalnet database is functional.
I would like to highlight some of the useful features of the OPAC.
·Member libraries can locate their databases online through their dialup
·The member library users can find their library online and do their
transactions also online.
·The member libraries can only upload/download their transactions/data end
of the day through a dial up connection.
·Users can access all the libraries collection by searching Union
catalogue. ·Rest of the libraries in the country and outside the country
can access the union catalogue of all the libraries in Goa.
·Lastly, member libraries need not prepare the database for the books
already entered by any libraries in the network. They can copy-paste as
facilitated by the software. We can even download the records from the
Library of Congress without any problem and paste them to our database
and add our accession number.
I request all of you to kindly access the network and give your valuable
suggestions to the following e-mail address:
Goa Academic Library Network,
Goa University Library,
Taleigao Plateau, Goa-403 206
Phone: 0832-2456031