Call For Papers Web Information Retrieval Special Issue - Journal of Digital Information Management - 2006 Issue Editors: Keith van Rijsbergen ( Iadh Ounis ( Pit.Pichappan ( or Scope of the Issue/Significance of Web information retrieval The amount of available information on the Web is continuously increasing. Web search techniques were initially based on the analysis of the Web structure, as well as the documents’ textual content. Recent applications, such as the retrieval from blogs, enterprise and intranet searching, or context-dependent searching, require new retrieval techniques. This special issue of the Journal of Digital Information Management will address recent and original developments in the Web information retrieval field, including those described above. We welcome high-quality papers addressing the theoretical and/or the practical issues underlying the retrieval of information from the Web. Submissions to the special issue should not be under consideration in any other journal or conference and will be evaluated according to the Journal of Digital Information Management reviewing criteria and appropriateness to the special issue. Papers will be reviewed based on their originality, theoretical/technical strength, methodology, and results. Themes: Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following areas: Adversarial search (anti-spamming techniques) Blog and online-community search Building Web test collections Clustering and categorization Context-dependent Web search Data fusion and metasearch engines Distributed and P2P retrieval techniques Enterprise/Intranet search Evaluation Formal Web retrieval models Machine learning Natural language processing techniques New Web search applications News search and filtering Open source architectures and systems Performance, compression and scalability Personalisation and information filtering Question answering Semi-structured data Summarisation Types of web search User interfaces and visualization User behaviour Web mining and Web usage mining Web structure analysis Submission of Papers: The papers can be submitted to any of the editors electronically either in pdf or doc format. Important Dates: Paper Submission Due: 20 March 2006 Review and notification: 20 May 2006 Camera Ready Papers: 20 July 2006 Publication: Sep. - Dec. 2006