3 Aug
3 Aug
3:25 p.m.
Dear All Mr.N.Subramanyam Ph.D Degree Awarded I am happy to inform you that Sri N. Subramanyam, Senior Librarian, M.S.Ramaiah Medical Collge, Benggalore, has been awarded Ph.D. by the BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY, COIMBATORE, TAMILNADU for his research topic “BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATABASES IN THE FIELD OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: AN USER EVALUATIVE STUDY” under the guidance of Dr. M.Krishnamurthy Associate Professor, DRTC, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore. I wish him success in his future endeavors With Regards Prakasha Senior Librarian University Library and Learning Resource Centre SDUAHER KOLAR.561101 M.No. +91 9980164215 ORCID ID:0000-0003-3687-4685