Kolkata Boi Mela : Scotland - Kolkata Connections: LIS Programmes
The Kolkata Boi Mela ( Calcutta Book Fair ) is a glorious gigantic cultural event held in winter in Kolkata, West Bengal for all who love books. It is a unique book fair meant primarily for the general public. It is the world's largest non-trade book fair. The 33rd Kolkata Book Fair 2009 have been scheduled January 28 to February 08, 2009 at Milon Mela (Near Science City), Kolkata. Scotland is Focal Theme for this year.
In this connection, British Council, in partnership with several organisations, is hosting a series of events under a programme entitled Scotland-Kolkata Connections. A number of delegates, including senior government officials, authors, writers, poets, musicians, museum and library officials and other dignitaries from Scotland will visit Kolkata during the time. The following events will be of particular interest to library and information professionals
Sunday February 01, 2009
1600 -1700 Lecture ‘The National Library of Scotland: South Asian Collections & Kolkata Curiosities’by Kevin Halliwell, National Library Scotland at AC Hall, Kolkata Book Fair Grounds
Monday, February 02, 2009
1500 – 1600 Lecture on The Medical History of British India on-line project, by Jan Usher, National Library of Scotland at the National Library, Kolkata in association with IASLIC,
Tuesday February 03, 2009
1600 – 1700 Lecture on “The role of libraries in accessing knowledge and information in the future” by Martyn Wade, Director National Library Scotland at the Dept of LIS, Jadavpur University
Thursday, 5 February 2009
1830 Asiatic Society seminar “The making and preservation of books and manuscripts” marking the 225th anniversary celebrations of the Asiatic Society. Martyn Wade to join in panel
All professional colleagues are cordially invited to join in making the programmes a success. For any queries do get in touch with: Indrani Bhattacharyya, Head, Young Audiences (East India), T +91 (0)33 22825370, F +91 (0)33 22824804, email : indrani.bhattacharyya@ in. britishcouncil.org
Dr Pijushkanti Panigrahi, Reader, Dept of Lib and Inf Science, University of Calcutta, 87/1 College Street,Kolkata - 700 073, West Bengal, India, email : panigrahipk@yahoo.com, (M) : +91 94342 43522. Joint Secretary, IASLIC, Convenor, Education Division, IASLIC; Associate Editor, IASLIC Bulletin, IASLIC, Kolkata-54 |