Dear Colleagues, You are invited tosubmit the original manuscript for possible inclusion in the proposed specialissue of the DESIDOCJournal of Library & Information Technology (DJLIT) on Digital Humanities and Librarianship. Sub-Themes: · Methodology and theory on digitalhumanities research and education · Best practices, including landscapes,infrastructures and methodological innovations in digital humanities · Ethics in digital humanities · Digital scholarship and digitalhumanities · Digital humanities and pedagogy · Growth and development of digitalhumanities · Datamining, text mining and big dataanalysis related to digital humanities · Engagement of public policy andgovernance in digital humanities and society · Critical and theoretical perspectives ondigitized material, including participation, crowdsourcing, and citizen sciencefor human development · Data and metadata for digital arts andhumanities · Open data and knowledge services indigital humanities TheAuthors can send the submission by email alongwith the Self Certificate ofOriginality to the Guest Editor. or Can also submit a full paper as per the journal’sguidelines to DJLIT online journal system available at under the category Special Issue on “DigitalHumanities and Librarianship” All paperssubmitted to DJLIT are subjected to peer evaluation. The Guidelines forAuthors are available at: TheLast Date for submission is 28th February 2023. GuestEditor NabiHasan, PhD, PDF, FNEB, FSLA Librarian & Head, Central Library Indian Institute of Technology Delhi - 110016 Phone - +91-11-26591451, 6759 Email: About DESIDOC Journal ofLibrary & Information Technology pISSN: 0974-0643 eISSN: 0976-4658 Started in 1981, DESIDOC Journal of Library &Information Technology (DJLIT) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, bi-monthlyjournal that publishes original research and review papers related to libraryscience and IT applied to library activities, services, andproducts. Major subject fields covered include: Information systems,Knowledge management, Collection building & management, Informationbehaviour & retrieval, Librarianship/library management, Library &information services, Records management & preservation, etc. It is meantfor librarians, documentation and information professionals, researchers,students and others interested in the field. Article Processing or Publication Fee:Nil (No fee is charged forpublication in DJLIT) (Institutionally Supported) Journal Impact SJR-2020 (SCImago Journal Rank): 0.514 CiteScore: 1.8 (Scopus 2020) Member of CrossRef and CrossCheck Abstracting and Indexing The journal is indexed in Web of Science (ESCI), Scopus, LISA, LISTA,EBSCO, Proquest, Library Literature and Information ScienceIndex/Full-text, The Informed Librarian Online, OpenJ-Gate, Indian ScienceAbstracts, Indian Citation Index, WorldCat, Google Scholar, etc. --Thanks and regards, Nabi Hasan, PhD, PDF, FNEB, FSLAHead Librarian Indian Institute of Technology Delhi - 110016 Phone - +91-11-26591451, 6759 URL: Email: Coordinator, National Resource Centre in Library and Information Sciences (ARPIT-MOOCs), Govt. of India