Google has introduced a new search service -- strictly for computer programmers only. Google Code Search, a site that simplifies how software developers search for programming code to improve existing software or create new programs. Similar to how a consumer might type a few words into a standard Google search box to find an answer, programmers can seek out relevant lines of code at http://google.com/codesearch and find a range of search results that link them to answers. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/05/AR2006100500... Thanks & Regards, Farooque Shaheen, Caritor India Pvt Ltd. Tel. 080-26678388 Ext. 4105 VOIP- 40366 Google has introduced a new search service -- strictly for computer programmers only. Google Code Search, a site that simplifies how software developers search for programming code to improve existing software or create new programs. Similar to how a consumer might type a few words into a standard Google search box to find an answer, programmers can seek out relevant lines of code at http://google.com/codesearch and find a range of search results that link them to answers. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/05/AR2006100500... Thanks & Regards, Farooque Shaheen, Caritor India Pvt Ltd. Tel. 080-26678388 Ext. 4105 VOIP- 40366