Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2004 11:27:03 +0100 (BST)
From: "[iso-8859-1] vijaya kumara"
Libraries of the following Institutes will provide training in the field
of Library and Information Science
National Aerospace Laboratories
Indian Institute of Management
British Library
Indian Institute of Austrophysics
Indian Institute of Science
N C S I and others
good luck
Vijayakumar M
Mailing List Manager wrote:
Date: 3 Aug 2004 09:48:24 -0000
From: thejasvi tv
Dear Professionals,
Can any of you guide me as to where I can get some professional training
in Bangalore? I very much require this training as I have graduated in LIS
through the distance education mode.
Thanking you all and awaiting your responses/advise.
Statistical assistant and SDI
Nexant Inc.
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