I've tried to explain in the manner which I understand your questions, please read through the lines and let me know, if you need any futher help:
On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Hemantha Rao KR
<hemantharao.kr@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Professionals,
Please give me some thoughts on "Information & Knowledge sharing in Corporate environment"
How do interorganisations agree upon the sharing of business information and knowledge?
>>> Simple and straightforward answer is by building partnership. But, as you know, partnership requires each one has something significant to share/offer. Let me give you an example, the TATA and IBM partnership in the early 80's (?). Here IBM wants to sell their Hardware to Indian Market, but don't have the business network and required resources to build a business network India (apart from govt rules and regulations). And TATA has company has already established based in India and they have that knowledge. Here both parties have something to offer to the other party and they form an alliance. Once they form an alliance under the assumption that it's the way to go. You share knowledge: TATA share the market knowledge and IBM share the product knowledge and other selling proposition and strategy etc. And both go-to the market as TATA-IBM, and sell, eat dine and sleep:)-
How do they make joint decisions on IT investments?
>>> I'm not clear about this, but outside of partnership, they may not make any join decisions. But inside perhaps, they would make a joint decision through partnership agreement and sit on partnership table and take those decisions:)-
How can networks champions promote trust and sharing of knowledge?
>>> what kind of network are you referring here? It depends upon the champion you have chosen for the job and his acceptance as a trusted personality across the network. In essense, you don't choose someone who doesn't have an initially established trust as a champion, before you start.
I hope these are special challenges in sharing knowledge in corporate environment.
>> Yes, they are and depends upon several factors. And most importantly, the environment that we are in.