Friends: Subbiah Arunachalam subbiah_a@yahoo.com Fri Feb 8 12:06:26 IST 2013 Here are two commentaries on why knowledge must be free by two of my colleagues at the Centre for Internet and and Society. One is a video interview and the other is in plain text. Both will be of interest to anyone interested in openness. http://newsclick.in/international/aaron-swartz-first-martyr-free-information... [video] http://cis-india.org/openness/blog/dml-central-jan-24-2013-nishant-shah-reme... Unfortunately, most science managers in India continue to support the corporate publishers who privatize public knowledge with no thought to the thousands of students, teachers and researchers of India. Not even the leftists in India have raised this issue so far. The least we can do is to mandate open access to publications resulting from all publicly funded research. Arun