Dear Professionals, We are very happy to announce you that School of Library and Information Science, RCSS in association with Kerala Library Association Ernakulam Region is organizing Two-day National Workshop on Research Report Writing, during 17th -18th February 2017 at Rajagiri College of Social Science (Autonomous),HillCampus,Kalamassery,Kochi-683104. *Two Day National Workshop on Research Report Writing@ RajagiriCollegeofSocialSciences(Autonomous),Hill Campus,Kalamassery,Kerala* *17th-18th February 2017* *Workshop covers the following topics:* · Steps in Thesis Writing · Preparation of Scholarly Papers · Effective Literature Search · Data Analysis Software · Reference Management Software-Zotero · Editing Tool La TeX *For more details visit * *http://wp.me/p26wSV-Ez* http://wp.me/p26wSV-Ez http://wp.me/p26wSV-Ez *www.rajagiri.edu* http://www.rajagiri.edu http://www.rajagiri.edu *www.http//keralalibraryassociation.org* http://www.http/keralalibraryassociation.org http://www.http/keralalibraryassociation.org *Mob-9496276307,9496280652,0484-4111347 * *Best Regards* *Librarian, * *Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies, Rajagiri Valley P.O., * *Kakkanad, Kochi – 682 039,Phone : 0484 -2660601, Ext:527 - 620* *|Mob:8289853395,Web: http://rsom.weebly.com http://rsom.weebly.com/,* *http://www.rcbscybrary.blogspot.in, http://www.rcbscybrary.blogspot.in/http://rcbs.rajagiri.edu/index.php http://rcbs.rajagiri.edu/index.php* -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.