Conference Announcement and Call for Papers


            Role of Public Libraries in the

Emerging Knowledge Society in India

National Conference on Public Libraries

1-     3 April 2009



India International Centre

40, Max Mueller Marg

Lodhi Estate

New Delhi-110003


       Organized by


Librarians Cultural Forum


India International Centre




For long public libraries have been meeting the educational, informational, and recreational needs of the people of all ages in the community. However, in the context of emerging era of knowledge society, the public libraries have arrived at a critical moment in their services. The key issue is - could public libraries be incorporated as key players in knowledge society. In the perception of general public, public libraries have traditionally been recognized as centres of popular reading materials, popular reference materials for community and business, or community information centres or community activities centres. But rarely public libraries have been considered and evaluated as serious centres for life long learning or self directed learning utilizing new technologies. In the context of emerging era of knowledge society, the need of the hour is to make public libraries as vibrant centres of learning and communication and as community hubs for people to access networked information. The public libraries need to complement formal education system by providing a resource base and to emerge as platform for public to participate in lifelong learning. Investment in human capital is foundation of success in knowledge-based global economy in this century.  Thus, public libraries need to look for opportunities and services to facilitate life long learning. The conference is going to provide a good opportunity to all stakeholders to discuss and debate the kind of issues that Indian public libraries are going to deal with in the context of knowledge based society in the next couple of years.

 Conference Objectives

The purpose of this conference is to provide a platform to all stakeholders in public libraries to enable them to discuss and debate the current and emerging public library roles, evaluate the strengths and weakness of the public library system and the public libraries, and assess their preparedness to provide new services and facilities in the context of emerging knowledge society. The major objectives of the conference will be as follows:

·        To discuss the role of public libraries in the knowledge society

·        To discuss and plan library collections, services, and facilities for life long learning

·        To identify education and training needs of in-service public library staff

·        To discuss rural libraries issues in the context of information society

·        To discuss issues and plan strategies for implementing new roles and services


Major Themes


 Call for Papers


Conference invites original papers of quality on case studies on public libraries, cutting-edge technologies, state-of-the- art, etc. on the theme and sub-themes of the conference.


The last date for receiving the contributed papers is March 10, 2009. The authors may intimate their intention to contribute the paper by email to the Organising Secretary latest by February 28, 2009. The contributed papers will be peer reviewed by the editorial committee and its decision to accept the paper for the conference volume shall be final and binding on the contributors. The contributed paper should be confined to 2000-2500 words printed on A4 size page in 11 point type size with 1.5 line spacing. A copy of the paper may also be sent by email to the Organizing Secretary alongwith the hardcopy addressed to the Chairman of the Organising Team. The hardcopy of the paper should be submitted alongwith authorization for editing the manuscript and also that the paper is original and does not violet provisions of the copyright law. The draft of the authorization letter will be sent to the author intending to contribute the paper. The drawings and diagrams and tables should be clearly drawn. Maps if any would need the approval of Surveyor General of India.



 Efforts would be made to arrange accommodation for participants on demand in guest houses of universities and government institutions within Delhi. The participant will have to pay separately for accommodation and boarding. Double bed room tariff varies from Rs 600 to Rs 1200. Request for reservation will be entertained on advance payment by 10th March, 2009. 




Registration for the conference opens on February 6, 2009. Registration charges will be as follows:


Institutional participants

Rs 2500/-

Individual participants

Rs 1500/-

Senior citizens, Bonafide Students of Lib. & Info. Sc.

Rs 1500/-

Library Cultural Forum members

Rs 1500/-


The registration fee includes Conference Kit, Working Lunch and Tea.


Please send payment by Cross Cheque/ DD payable in Delhi in favour of Librarians Cultural Forum.  Please mail your confirmation to attend the Conference to the Organizing Secretary Dr Narender Kumar, Deputy Librarian, Delhi University Library System, University of Delhi, Delhi

 For further details please contact:
 Organizing Secretary: Dr Narender Kumar, Deputy Librarian, Delhi University Library System, Central Library, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007 Email: Phone: 27667185;     Mob: 9868288216

Chairman of the Organising Team: Prof. J.L. Sardana,  Former Head, Dept. of Library & Information Science, University of Delhi, Delhi Email:


Sushma Zutshi, Librarian, India International Centre, 40, Max Mueller Marg, Lodhi Estate

Tel. 011-24619431, Email:


                                 Role of Public Libraries in the

Emerging Knowledge Society in India


National Conference on Public Libraries

1 - 3 April 2009

Venue: India International Centre, New Delhi


Registration Form


Participant's Name:____________________________________________________


Designation   : _____________________________________  


Name and Address of the Institution_______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________


Tel: ( O)                 (R)                      e-mail:  


Do you require accommodation during the Conference?  Yes / No 


If Yes, please contact us by March 10, 2009 

Demand Draft ( Payable to Librarians Cultural Forum) No. _________________Drawn on_____________________

Amount Rs.______________ Date _____________________ 

Post this form to Organizing Secretary: Dr Narender Kumar, Deputy Librarian, Delhi University Library System, Central Library, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007 Email: Phone: 27667185;     Mob: 9868288216









Dr. B. N. Singh
S. Librarian
National Museum Institute
(Deemed University)
New Delhi 110011
Tel. 011-23012988
(M) 9312919313

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