Dear Friends Please refer to replies of Smt Vasumati, Dr GK Manjunath and Henag on the above topic. AH Wheeler has the large(st) network of railway station bookstalls in India. AHW or some such network can Collaborate with Railways and run "sales-cum-loans" extension counters in long distance trains. Audio video CD printed books and magazines may be sold and/or hired. Entire cost of a book is paid in advance. If you want to retain the book you just walk away. If you have finished the book and want to return it you can do it and pay only a lending fee (get back bulk of your money). This way the bookseller can reach a larger number of customers. Railways can provide book space for stalls or libraries inside trains without really investing on stocks. Maintenance cost of in-train libraries by contract employees can be borne by railways or shared with book shop network. There is no point in talking these things among ourselves. Lalu must be informed through proper channel! Can someone influential in Delhi take it up? Regards Vyasamoorthy, P